Show me your ink

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Grrr.. it didnt post!!

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Means someone is about to get eaten. Don't mess with those eagles.
This one is also called... regret. The tattooer says it reads "Brotherhood" in Chinese. When I was doing some work for an asian lady, I saw that she did Chinese calligraphy. I asked her what it says, she went on about how Japanese and Chinese calligraphy mixed in the whaever century and that the top part is in Chinese and the bottom part is in Japanese... she could only read the top part and told me that it says "Infinite". I have yet to find out what I have Infinite of... lmao (One character is out of frame)

I have some more.. but I just dont have any pictures of them.
I've been thinking of getting a EMS Caduceus... but I dont want another one called regret. So I'm gonna sit on it for a while longer.

So I did a bit of looking throuhg old Japanese textbooks for ya, for the sake of curiosity. The two symbols at the bottom of the tat are Su and Ru, for the most basic japanese written language of Hiragana. Independently they don't mean anything, but 'suru' is a word that makes the word used with it into a verb. So I suppose in this cross-language context, it would translate directly into "to be infinite," but if I were to actually translate it I would go with something like "to live forever."

I wouldn't feel too bad, you should see the regret my wife has :wacko:.
good ink here

been looking hard at nice tats.. lots of ideas.. and i don't care what they look like in 25 years.. i'll be 75 by then, and who gives a :excl:

like the star of life/flag thingy.. maybe some red flames to encircle it
I've had this for a few years now and I LOVE LOVE it.

Now that I'm in EMS, I'm a little nervous that people will interpret my Superman as an indicator that I'll be one of those EMTs; that's not the case at all.

I plan on getting a matching Batman on my right calf. I'm a DC guy from way back. Superman & Batman are my personal version of yin & yang.


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On the back of my neck showing just the very top in a T-shirt and fully covered by a collared uniform shirt B)


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My grandfather had a tattoo of a butterfly and a dragon done while in the navy. He's never really said why, though its fun to confuse people with :P
I have 3. A HUGE one on my back, one on my calf and one on my wrist. I just started getting my back and calf tattoo removed. It hurts like HELL! But I cannot wait to remove them:)
I have 3. A HUGE one on my back, one on my calf and one on my wrist. I just started getting my back and calf tattoo removed. It hurts like HELL! But I cannot wait to remove them:)

drunken decisions?

Rockabilly university 3 minutes after getting it.


Dita Von Teese




Chicago Suicide Stripes (Not Military)


"L'ange Extermina", aka "The Exterminating Angel" (No I do not think I am the angel of death, nor the consoler of the elderly pillow in hand ready to initiate PT). It is based on a 15th century writing and a verse from the Bhagavat-Gita, "Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds...".


Shotgun cross, in memory of a friend of mine who died that loved guns. I got
this on his birthday.

"Morior Invictus"

Means "death before defeat", which is something I tend to live by. I also don't like to lose.

My next tattoo will be "Acta non Verba" across the bottom of my clavicles, which means "actions, not words". My reason to get it is a bit negative (I have very bad experiences with people and keeping their word; besides, actions always speak louder than words ever will), but it holds a strong meaning.
big bump-
I'm looking to have a cross tattoo on my thigh covered up and found this thread to stir my imagination. By bumping I'm hoping I can stir up a few more ideas. Thanks!
No ink yet, but planning the first tatt. I keep asking around and either they're filthy and cheap establishments or 300+. The latest place reworked the design I had in my head and I fell in love with it, but they want 4-500 dollars. Eeek!
this is on my left leg


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Kinda a bunk picture. Ill get a better one up once its fully healed
forgot to post this one in here:
Ill get mine up soon.. Have to take another pic, cause i just realized the one i put on facebook is kinda bad.. Hmm way to make an impression on someone if they think you have a shi**y tattoo
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