are all 911 ems azzholes? i work for a private service and i find it sad and amusing when 911 personnel won't say hi or wave when you run across each other. my favorites are the one's who won't even look at you or acknowledge you're there like you're some kind of sub-human life form. i passed four the other day outside the ed and three walked by like i wasn't there and the fourth said hi only cause i knew him from school.
it's not all, but i would say it is around 65%-70%. i should be looking down on them, cause we make more money than they do, but i was raised better than that.
i've only been at this < a year, is this the norm? can't we all just get along?
thanx, i feel better. rant over.
it's not all, but i would say it is around 65%-70%. i should be looking down on them, cause we make more money than they do, but i was raised better than that.
i've only been at this < a year, is this the norm? can't we all just get along?
thanx, i feel better. rant over.