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are all 911 ems azzholes? i work for a private service and i find it sad and amusing when 911 personnel won't say hi or wave when you run across each other. my favorites are the one's who won't even look at you or acknowledge you're there like you're some kind of sub-human life form. i passed four the other day outside the ed and three walked by like i wasn't there and the fourth said hi only cause i knew him from school.
it's not all, but i would say it is around 65%-70%. i should be looking down on them, cause we make more money than they do, but i was raised better than that.
i've only been at this < a year, is this the norm? can't we all just get along?
thanx, i feel better. rant over. :)
I've found it to be the exact opposite. Working for a private, both public and private medics have generally been nice.

Like most things in life, people tend to treat you similarly to how you treat them. Also, if your private has a bad reputation, expect to have to try to overcome that. My private has a good reputation and bends over backwards to help all of the public services in the county, so we're generally well liked.

Life is all about perspective. I'd do your best to create some sort of working friendship. If all else fails, continue to rise above the BS with a smile on your face. It worked for me.
i agree it's about expect to be treated as you treat others, but if you walk by like i'm not there, and i acknowledge you and get nothing in return, that's on you.
i'm not sure about our company's rep, i'll have to find out a little about that.
maybe i'll ask some of the other private guy's (there's around 8 or 9 other service's) and see if they get the same 'tude.
doesn't bother me, i just find it amusing considering the profession we're in.
I am never snobby to no-one, but I am definitely not over friendly or "hang-around" to many of those that present the profession in a poor light. I don't care if they transfer services, 911, vollies or high dollar EMS pro's.

Part of the problem here locally is, most of the transfer services are composed of wanna-be's. Some make transfers all day, then they get in their vehicle with star-of-life's and EMT stickers all over it. As well, man of those services does not promote advanced level education, nor promote a professional image. Again, this is not solely isolated to just transfer services.

When ever and if ever, we get past the patch and sticker club, and focus on education and professionalism as much as we do on B.S., then we will see a change from within.

R/r 911
I work on both sides of the fence, in that I work FD at the full-time job and private service at the part-time. No matter where I'm working, it's always a "hi, what's up?" with a smile and a wave. Sometimes I get a pleasant reply, sometimes it's the sour lemon look and a distant gaze. Fine either way by me; all I can do is try to be friendly and hope it's reciprocated. Maybe they are having a bad day, and maybe they just didn't see you if they're in another unit passing by. Either way, I'm comfortable knowing I did what I could, if they want to be "that way", let 'em, and be OK with the fact that you tried.
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i'm also on both sides. i volly for my town 911 service and transport for a private company. I love it when i get "your not REAL emts just cab drivers" then i walk to my car and take out my town jacket. or pull it out of the rig. their face changes quite a bit. ill just let it roll off my shoulders. "go on brush your shoulders off." i kindly inform them that 98% of emts on private rigs are on their town squad. at least in my area.
i should be looking down on them, cause we make more money than they do, but i was raised better than that.

who is the we here, another words, what do you do?

I forget where i heard this but some guy on tv said once that when people ask him how the people are where he lives, he asks them a question. He says how are the people where you live and if they complain then he says the people where he lives aren't good either. On the other hand, if they say great, then he says the people where he lives are great too....get the point?

ems people are a lot of things but they don't tend to be *******s in my experience, some yes, but not 60 or 70%.

oh yea, and if you look down on people because you make more money then you are an idiot.
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who is the we here, another words, what do you do?

i work for a private service

I forget where i heard this but some guy on tv said once that when people ask him how the people are where he lives, he asks them a question. He says how are the people where you live and if they complain then he says the people where he lives aren't good either. On the other hand, if they say great, then he says the people where he lives are great too....get the point?

ems people are a lot of things but they don't tend to be *******s in my experience, some yes, but not 60 or 70%.

that's been my experience, your mileage may vary. if i acknowledge you and you just look at me and say nothing, acting like how dare i talk to you, or walk by like i'm not there, in my book you're an *******.

oh yea, and if you look down on people because you make more money then you are an idiot.

i should be looking down on them, cause we make more money than they do, but i was raised better than that.

i highlighted the word should so maybe you'll catch it this time. my private service pays more than the majority of the 911 service's, hence the we.

the whole point of my post was that just because you work for a 911 service, don't think you're better than me because i work for a private transport service, because you're not.
i passed four the other day outside the ed and three walked by like i wasn't there and the fourth said hi only cause i knew him from school.
Maybe you should step forward and say hi, they were all standing together, so that must means they are on good terms.
The bottom line is this; Part of the job, no matter what you do and where you work, we must act and conduct ourselves as professionals to the public that we serve and towards each other. SET AN EXAMPLE!!
the whole point of my post was that just because you work for a 911 service, don't think you're better than me because i work for a private transport service, because you're not.

Anytime you start assuming that you know what someone else 'Thinks' about you based on how you perceived their actions, you are just looking for trouble. If you want respect, earn it. If you want to be liked, try being a bit more understanding. Perhaps the 911 medics where you live are running so many calls they don't have time to get to know the new guy. Or maybe they just have seen so many new EMT's come and go that they wait to see how long they last.

Bottom line, if you are that worried that someone doesn't like you, you have some maturing to do professionaly and emotionally.
Bottom line, if you are that worried that someone doesn't like you, you have some maturing to do professionaly and emotionally.

doesn't bother me, i just find it amusing considering the profession we're in.

i thought i explained it pretty clear, but....?
i not looking for a friend, someone to have beers with, go fishing with, just a simple "hey" or nod your head or whatever. i understand someone may be having a bad day, but it can't be the majority. sounds like i struck a nerve with a couple of ya'll? sorry.

thanks everyone, i'm done with this post.

goodbye. (see how easy that was.) :lol:

that's been my experience, your mileage may vary. if i acknowledge you and you just look at me and say nothing, acting like how dare i talk to you, or walk by like i'm not there, in my book you're an *******.

i highlighted the word should so maybe you'll catch it this time. my private service pays more than the majority of the 911 service's, hence the we.

the whole point of my post was that just because you work for a 911 service, don't think you're better than me because i work for a private transport service, because you're not.

Ok, cool. Just making sure you weren't a nurse, LEO, firefighter, etc...that would have bothered me. I think 911 tends to "look down" upon private transport because they feel the job is so different. Private transport doesn't run the 8 y/o asthma attack, multi-system trauma, childbirth, etc, and they usually make more money than private too. Is this reason enough to look down upon transport trucks?....No!, of course not. I just wish all those really cheap, ghetto companies that bought the 20 year old ambulance felt the same way I did and started respecting you all with respectable equipment, training, pay, etc. BTW, this rant doesn't pertain to your company hangit, it might be great for all i know, it's just a general rant.
i thought i explained it pretty clear, but....?
i not looking for a friend, someone to have beers with, go fishing with, just a simple "hey" or nod your head or whatever. i understand someone may be having a bad day, but it can't be the majority. sounds like i struck a nerve with a couple of ya'll? sorry.

thanks everyone, i'm done with this post.

goodbye. (see how easy that was.) :lol:

Wow, sounds like someone needs a couple more doses of birthday cake.
The way I see it is that no matter what the uniform or the service we work for we are all brothers and sisters and stand under the same star of life flag. Some people may not understand that but in the field of EMS you cant have something like that hangin on to you cuz otherwise if and when the time comes when there is gonna be a major incident where everyone is brought together you have to be able to work as a team otherwise things will go to hell in a heartbeat.
gee, we haven't seen any class A personalities in ems, have we?

gee, we haven't seen any class A personalities in ems, have we?


No, in EMS we are not allowed to let our personalities be seen. :rolleyes:
When I worked priviate transport in Philadelphia (2003-2005), I worked for the company with the largest local operation, and then two of the small mom-and-pop operations. I would occasionally get attidtude from a ER staffer that I "wasn't a real EMT" Almost all of the Philly Fire Department medics were cool... and I'd be willing to lend a hand if they needed help and I was around. Most times, if one of our rigs stopped at an accident (before FD showed up)... the FIREFIGHTERS would give them a hard time... but the Medics loved it... one less chart to write.

And I've been a volunteer 911 EMT since I started class... never stopped.

Anyway... those that "look down" on you are probably not really into EMS anyway. Of course, we also need to look at our own ranks. How many people at your private "taxi service" would you actually trust to know what they are doing, and how many haven't seen a BVM used since EMT class 2 years ago?

Oh... and I work for yet another company these days... and I work about 2 transport shifts a YEAR.
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i can agree that the transport EMTs may be a bit out of practice cause they really dont see emergencies. but most of us do both our town 911 and a transport service for money. there are a few on the transport company that only do transports and have never been on a REAL rig during a 911 call. when the time came for an emergency woth the transport company cause the the local town was backed up he froze. luckily i was driving he thanked me cause he diddnt know how to use the lights and sirens or even how to drive priority one (lights and sirens) cause he never had to. he was like a cadet when we got to the patient. nervous, tense, scared not sure what to say or do. so i had to treat him like a cadet. "get me this and get me that, ect.." i reported to the supervisor afterwards and wont be partnered with him till he gets a refresher course. should have seen his face when i asked for a 16 french cathader. LOL priceless.
All the EMTs and Medics who do transport calls also volunteer for 911 agencies.

The transport service does intra facility emergency of the serious trauma and critical care patients brought in by 911 service rigs. These EMTs/Medics spend alot more time with critical patients.