$$$ money $$$
There are less than hald the fire calls there used to be. Fire prevention has been very successful.
Fewer calls means politicians may want to reduce fire dept jobs. But they can reverse that if they do EMS. Notice how they don't want FDs merging with Police because doing 2 jobs would make them worse at both all of a sudden.
Careful, I'm tired, I will rant a little here...
I think firedcoins hit the nail on the head. This isn't the first time I've seen this arguement. Consider... It is called the FIRE Department. They/You are called FIREfighters. Why? Because the original purpose of Fire was to... FIGHT FIRES. Now consider all the things your local fire departments respond to: Vehicle Accidents, Rope Rescues, Water Rescues, Dive Calls, Public Service Assists, Haz Mats, Confined Space Rescues, and (yes) Medical Calls. If you look a the history of the Fire Service this didn't come about in one day. Fire was a VERY serious concern once upon a time; i.e. Chicago, etc.... Fire did a GREAT job in education, prevention, and protection... so good that the number of Actual Fires that they respond to has been greatly decreased. From a monetary and political stadpoint the justification for maintaining so many fire departments wasn't there after a while. So they started branching out into rescue. Hence the title often heard "Fire/Rescue".
The problem was that most of those rescue techniques were pioneered and the domain of volunteer rescue squads, volunteer search and rescue, and other volunteers specialty teams. So fire "pushed" out those service agencies and now (in many areas) have a hard time coexisting with them. That is a problem that I have personally seen in California. There has been a push for years (behind the scenes) to do away with Search and Rescue Teams in California and hand all responsibilities (except for wilderness search - becasue it ain't glamerous enoguh I guess) over to Fire. Steps have been made toward that for years. Rope Rescue and Swiftwater Rescue were all originally developed by old SAR farts back in the day. They developed techniques and standards that are still the bases for all we do today in those fields. But now Fire has to put an NFPA stamp on them and call the service their own, leaving SAR folks to either follow along or risk being viewed as irrelivant. Example: The internationally recognized "Father of Swiftwater Rescue" was also one of our teams 13 founding members. He invented the craft and was still teaching it up until his death over 2 years ago. He taught our team everything, certified them, and built this team up to one of the most renowned swiftwater rescue teams in California (if not the U.S. for awhile)... that is until Fire decided to NFPAize the craft and the state of California told us that we needed to conform to their standards; which meant hundreads of dollars a year per person and masive amount of time to stay current in a craft that was so butchered by the NFPA that while the basics remain the same, there was so much unnessisary crap (in the opinion of those original founders and pioneers in Swiftwater Rescue) by the Fire Guys that our expert team dropped from having 30-40 SRT-A's to only 8-12 SRT-1's and a couple SRT-A's. That' just one example, I have others.
Now the problem is expanding, because in order to continually justify their Fire budgets and their "need" they needed to expand into medical. First it starts out as being first responders, then they start pushing out private ambulance and transporting patients, then they start putting their own standards on EMS which they call "better", and then we see private ambulance going away.
Here's my problem with that: In order to be the best at what you do, you need to focus on that. Now, there are a lot of great Fire/Medics out there and a lot of realy bad Pure Medics, but my general observation has been this in California: EMT-1 is now pretty much required for every firefighter in order to be hired on a regular fire/first responder department. So every FF I know also has their EMT and 90% of them suck at EMS. I know that the debate rages that the EMT level of training is inadequate, but the vast majority of FF's I know and have worked with don't even met those low standards; hell they shouldn't even have a first aid card. They barely pass the class because they don't really want to do EMS, but feel that they must. They get tutored by their Fire Buddies so that they memorize just enough to pass the lame testing that any idiot could pass. They do not want to have any involvement in patient care and it shows in their training and their care. Get an inacurate BP, throw on the Non-rebreather, and stand around waiting for the Ambulance? That's the justification for maintaining their budget? Now this is not a reflection on all you Fire/EMS folks. I know a few Fire guys that I would entrust the care of my family with... but just a few. I hope you Fire/EMSers here actually care about the EMS portion of your job, as evidenced by your presense on an EMS forum, but I have seen what happens when Fire is forced to accept any EMS role. They want to fight fires and rip into cars with the Jaws, but most I know have no interest in EMS. So all that Fire Based EMS will do, at least in my area, is force out the good Pure EMSers that have no interest in Fire, hurt the good pure Medics who chose to stay with the new FIRE/RESCUE/EMS, and limit the options of the community when it comes to EMS - a service that might do well in some areas, but (IMHO) Fire based EMS will lower the standard of care in a lot of cases (my area as an example)...
... I'm tired, ignore my ranting. :blush: