My deepest appreciation!
Having squandered my life away to this point, I'd have to be honest and say in about 320 days my retirement will be provided by your tax money!
But of course, that will just be Mad Money because if I can keep doing what I'm doing and getting paid for it (Maui tour guide) I'll do it 'til the wheels fall off!
(Never having pictured myself living long enough to retire, I really never let it drive me.)
That's not to say I haven't made an effort to create myself a parachute. Instead of concerning myself with retirement I've focused on building bodies of artistic work; music, photography, and books, that, hopefully will gain traction and generate an ongoing income.
My point is, there are many ways to prepare. I don't know how long this economic system will be able to maintain itself so I don't have a lot of faith in anybody's dollar having a secure place to grow.
Most of my friends took the corporate route, got married, had kids and sunk all their time in preparing for a comfortable retirement. They built comfortable lives, had nice homes, got their kids through college but now, due to economic factors compounded by a crashing real estate market are in the same dismal boat as me.
The only difference is, they worked much harder than I did to get there!