Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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The pay can be more than 17k SAR monthly, up to almost double that figure (based on experience)

Job responsibilities are just like being a paramedic anywhere, except you don't typically have as much to work with here (fewer drugs and equipment)

My contract allows 30 days paid leave annually (remember your working 4on/4off so that equates to 15 days actually paid) plus comp time for holidays worked

I can say that aside from the relocation bonus not being paid, SRCA has honored their offer to me. I have worked for several companies over the years that changed the music mid-dance so I've seen that before. The SRCA Self Operation Program has experienced some setbacks and growing pains but I believe they are working to improve the system. Middle eastern culture is different and the logic and thought processes that westerners are accustomed to do not apply here. If you keep that in mind and
understand that life runs at a different pace and with different priorities here, you can be happy. If you cannot grasp those concepts, you will hate it here. You control your experience based on that.

Hope this helps! Cheers!

Ok big get to buy the Cuban cigars next time! ;) Oh wait you did! thanx bud
And BTW running the Medic chase car system does ROCK :P
And for all you sitting out in THREAD-land with your panties all in a bunch. Once you get here get you stuff done. Learn the people the culture and accept it for what it is. Be open minded and start shifts.
Life isn't too bad. I come from a system working 90hrs plus a week.
We work 2-12s(days) 24hrs off 2-12s(nights) then 4 days off every rotation(tour) We can also trade for 4 days and have 12 days off in a row with no vacation time used.
So what am I saying? If you want to travel see the world get paid decent money. Have lots of time off to travel more. Europe, Africa, Far East, Egypt, Turkey. Dubai, Kuwait, Bahrain(drive) are all easy flights from here.
This is not a bad GIG :)
I dunno is a 48 hour work week and the OT is factored into your quoted salary.

All the early posters had the same wage offers...around 17500 SAR.

If you can get up to double that, that puts you at the bottom of the scale for high threat environment work. If you are able to make 8000 USD a month working in KSA, then more power to you.

However in all the years of contracting and all the people I know who have contracted way longer than myself, I have never seen or heard of anyone making that as a medic in KSA. It just does not happen.

KSA has the reputation of being the lowest paying contracting gig and has held that rep for 15+ years.

I know what my contract says, and we'll see tomorrow if it's true (payday). As I mentioned earlier, they are trying to change for the better.
Ok big get to buy the Cuban cigars next time! ;) Oh wait you did! thanx bud
And BTW running the Medic chase car system does ROCK :P
And for all you sitting out in THREAD-land with your panties all in a bunch. Once you get here get you stuff done. Learn the people the culture and accept it for what it is. Be open minded and start shifts.
Life isn't too bad. I come from a system working 90hrs plus a week.
We work 2-12s(days) 24hrs off 2-12s(nights) then 4 days off every rotation(tour) We can also trade for 4 days and have 12 days off in a row with no vacation time used.
So what am I saying? If you want to travel see the world get paid decent money. Have lots of time off to travel more. Europe, Africa, Far East, Egypt, Turkey. Dubai, Kuwait, Bahrain(drive) are all easy flights from here.
This is not a bad GIG :)

Maybe you can store my cheap Cubans in your fancy humidor for me, eh? :unsure:^_^
Big spender my eye!!!
let me take a moment to briefly explain my experience working in KSA for action aviation as a flight paramedic. A large group of us were contracted through action aviation as consultants to help build the flight paramedic program in Saudi Arabia. We were brought over with contracts stating 60 days in country 30 days back at the point of origin and were paid a dollar amount per every day which we were in country with all travel expenses paid, housing was to be provided along with food laundry and travel throughout Riyadh. Unfortunately, some of this did not turn out to be true. after we got in country our schedule was to work four days on four days off. The work was exciting but very dangerous. The Saudi's have very little experience with helicopters and you would think it was a UFO by the attention it got, for example, cars driving under the helicopter on our final approach, cars driving under the rotor disk while loading patients people walking up just a touch to helicopter. That was a safety concern right off the bat! But I can say the Saudi's are genuine good people, very friendly and always willing to help. My point is: action aviation was responsible for our salaries from what I've learned... I returned home broke because action aviation said that they could not pay us because they ran out of money due to the Saudi red Crescent Authority not paying them, however my contract was with action aviation and not the Saudi red Crescent Authority. Also, the Saudi red Crescent Authority was responsible for our meals, lodging, laundry and transportation while we were there... I can say that I never went hungry only slipped in a nice bed was treated especially good and had clean clothes. It seems to me that the Saudi red Crescent Authority fulfilled their end of the bargain however action aviation did not. I'm sitting back in the states with no job and scrounging to eat at the moment due to my ignorance. I personally have met Hamish Harding, who is the owner of action aviation incentive many e-mails explaining him our circumstances and all I get in return is false hopes, empty promises and still to this day no paycheck. Keep in mind that we're talking over $14,000 here! So to whoever reads this keep in mind that these are only my personal experiences and there is approximately 60 others in the same boat as I am. If you're looking for venture, different culture nice people and definitely hot weather and you want to try something different with your career, form your own opinion. as for AKflightmedic, the conversation we had in December on the phone I am not too proud to say YOU WERE RIGHT. on a different note what Al was saying about the salary is true. if anybody has any questions please feel free to PM me if you wish.
FlightMed, I sent you a PM.

Get a hold of me ASAP.
Payday was correct amount, on time, as promised. Working on the multi entry/exit for me and family visa for the wife and daughter...
Good to hear. I made contact with one of their recruiters that is evidently traveling around the US. I sent him my resume, but I haven't heard back from him. I guess we will see.

Well done SRCA. Good to see they have moved on and are setting up with a new company. Hopefully they have learnt from their past mistakes and do not repeat them resulting in more employees being screwed over and families being unsettled. Hopefully people will get paid!

Nice photo I must say. Note not a westerner insight.

Good luck with it Abu Dhabi Aviation obviously due diligence is not one of your strong points when doing business:unsure:
Well I have remain quiet until this point.....It seems like this was their plan all along to get professionals there see how they operate, screwed them over, and then bring in an Arab company. I just hope this doesn't end the same way it did a few years back when they attempted it. It would also be nice if they would pay those of us they used to see how to correctly operate a HEMS service. For all of those considering working HEMS in Saudi please use caution. It is a completely different entity than EMS especially in Saudi and you can not cut corners. You are dealing with people who have no concept of how to behave around a helicopter and remember if your ambulance quits driving down the road you simply pull over and if your a/c quits mid flight you better have a hell of a pilot to get you on the ground safely.
I have seen the proposed airframes. They do not even have a med interior!!!
At the business end of these airframes sitting in the hot seat will be Arab guys lead by Capt Fantastic himself. You wont be getting this black duck anywhere near this operation. The grim reaper is waiting for this one to start...good luck SRCA Flight Medics:wacko:
Srca crash team

I wonder if WHEN they crash it will even be reported. And the crew will have even existed. If a nobody [ Western Medic] according to the Saudi's were on the helo WHEN it crashes then I guess it never happened. Something to think about right guys.
I'm w/ u celts....I wouldn't crew an AC with a pilot I didn't trust 110%. I hope the SRCA flight medics use caution,,,,,there are some good guys there at least the ones left that haven't already quit!!
There will likely be "western" flight crews, aviation managers, trainers, etc. Saudization is decades away.
Are you joking HEMS Driver??? SRCA couldnt shove a soapy stick up a dead dogs arse let alone run a safe and effective HEMS operation. 10 years ago I saw 30% Westerners in health care facilities. Now its either all Filipinos or other Arabs. Most places I see now have NO Westerners. We all know what happened in Jeddah not so long ago. We have a duty to make sure our EMS friends and colleagues who are tempted and lured by SRCA recruitment propaganda know the risks both emotionally, financially and to their lives. Ohh yes and if you ever find yourself in hospital in KSA??? They dont believe in narcotic analgesia. Its probably going to be tylenol IV for you pal until they ship you out in pain.
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