Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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Forum Crew Member
I'm puzzled ....

I was told I'd be supervisor and make all kinds of money (offer went up 3 times) each time I asked a question. Never an answer, just a "do not worry" "trust me" and then the thought that more money would make me forget the question or concern.

Hi' yall

This is recruitment Saudi style! Happens in every industry they recruit foreigners. If they have increased the offer 3 times and are making promises like being a supervisor they must be desperate to recruit new employees.

When working with a Saudi sponsor visas will initially be 90 days entry so you have time to apply for a residency permit. This also means they can boot you out if they dont like you in this time. This is standard practice here.

Without residency permit you cannot do anything like open bank accounts, travel so bring some money to last least 6 weeks.
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Oh I know. It was one of the people working over there currently.
Some people don't like guns, fine by me. Some people do, which is also fine by me.
on a side note: I am still in this middle of this recruitment paper work terror. I went to 5 different community colleges so transcript gathering is fun, along with employers. I think I am only going to provide letters for the last 2, those are the only ones that really apply to the position. Someone who works over there said its best to leave my military service out of it unless asked. So I think Ill do that also.


M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member

The residency permit is the same as iqama, correct? Also, once this is issued, do you basically just apply for the 6 month multiple entry/exit visa, and then re apply once it expires, and continue this process until you and your emplyer decide to part ways?

This is issued after your medical exam and emloyment processing on arrival right? No bank accounts or anything before this is issued? Wow, that could make life kind of long does it typically take to get the iqama after arrival?
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Forum Crew Member
Yes WTE that is correct the residency permit is called the iqama. We were lucky as we do the medical inhouse at the hospital I work at. The Red crescent will arrange for you to do it at one of the government facilities. Once this is issued you can do anything like open a bank account, obtain travel visa etc. Iqama can take from a week to three.
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M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
Great, that's good to know! I was told by the recruiter that I would be paid my relocation bonus once my medical cleared, which I guess makes sense, since I can't use the money anyway until I have a bank account...


Forum Ride Along
Relocation and exams

Why wouldn't you get your relocation reimbursement after you relocated? What's a medical / physical got to do with travel?

If you can't get open any bank accounts without the residency, and you can't get residency without a job, and you can't start the job until you complete a physical.....

Has anyone ever considered getting the physical done BEFORE leaving the CONUS? That's what the SRCA REQUIRED I do, and they had no intention of reimbursing me for this physical. Do you have any idea what that list costs to comply with? Try $1,300 after meeting my deductible with Blue Cross discount, and that didn't include the chest X-ray.

Yet another concern.

Time to open some eyes and share some information.


M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
Opening some eyes sounds like a great idea should start with your own.

You will get a complete physical after you arrive in KSA. This is in addition to the one you had to obtain in order to apply for your work visa. I am sorry it cost you so much to get your physical, but not anyone's fault here or at the SRCA that you have crappy insurance. My physical cost me my $25.00 office co pay, and I haven't seen another bill since. They sent us both the same physical form, so I can only say again, sorry you have crummy insurance. You are asking them for a job, not the other way around...

I am sure the reason you will not get a residency permit before you get the results of your "IN COUNTRY" physical has to do with the fact that they do not want anyone getting the benefit of the national healthcare prior to determining if they have any major underlying health issues. This leads one to reason that they would not pay a relocation bonus until it is officially determined that you will actually relocate. The physical you obtained in your home country is just the box they need checked in order to get the work visa. The physical performed by their own physicians is basically just to confirm that your physician either did not miss something, or intentionally mislead them on the physical form.

This all makes very good sense to me. I have done more than a little research on the recruitment and relocation process, and this is probably why I have not been surprised by anything and my recruitment and deployment process has gone so smoothly. You would be well served to do some more research for yourself, instead of taking 10% of what someone says and running with it as if the SRCA is out to screw you any way they can.
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Forum Ride Along
Inappropriate response and forum

You might want to consider picking fights or making comments like that in a private forum. The PM is a great application for that.

You can stop with the personal attacks and remarks any time. You did this once before in a long two page letter to me.

That attitude might work well in the Military or the Fire Service, but it can get people killed if they aren't experienced or educated enough to take care of themselves in a critical thinking environment. Sharing information and eye opening is a responsible thing for anyone to do. This very active thread is a perfect example.

F.W.I.W., I did NOT receive ANY form from ANYONE. I was directed to a list, based on a website (Saudi Embassy), after a call from a travel agent in Washington DC. Not exactly the form you might have received in a package from the SRCA. I have Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, not your run of the mill crappy or crummy Insurance company. I just have covered and not covered procedures. Perhaps the list I was told to go over for my physical was different than yours, and hence the reason we needed to share this information.

It is this inconstancy that leads me to be concerned and smart enough to ask questions.


M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
Well, again, sorry to hear that things aren't going smoothly with your process.

You seem to have a bit of a confrontational attitude yourself, considering every time you chime in to the thread, you constantly tell everyone how we need to open our eyes, and caution us about our lack of information and failure to see the warning signs.

I can assure you I possess the critical thinking skills and quick wit needed to keep myself out of trouble. Again, this is why I think my process is going so smoothly...too bad you can;t say the same for your own.

I wish you the best of luck finishing your recruitment process. Hopefully you will get the answers you are looking for here, even though they may not be the answers you are wanting to hear.


Hey guys save it for the HALO battle arena once we are over there :p

PS: I am really more of a battlefield guy myself.


Forum Ride Along
Battlefield 2 Rocks

Bring it!

I've got the perfect Battlefield 2 edition mouse and keyboard overlay, well it's more of a mutli-keyed hand pad. It's the SpeedPad N52 from Nostromo. Perhaps we could train up a squad and use it as new crew member orientation LOL!!!!

I look forward to meeting you (Schulz) in the sandpit!


Forum Crew Member
Summer Camp

I just don't want to go there with the idea that it's Summer camp. lol It seems that there is somewhat of a learning curve, and I look forward to being on the rise of this project.


M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
+ 1 NJ

However, I am sure I could find some spare time to shoot my co workers...All work and no play makes jack a dull boy you know...


Forum Crew Member
Boys boys boys ....

The real sandpit is across the border if you want to play with your guns and toys. The Red crescent is a civillian EMS provider not a military service or contractor. You all sound like you are getting ready to come to the Middle East and fight some war. Oh sorry HALO is one of those games...didn't realise, luckily my housemate has a young brother.

If frustrations are running this high just with recruitment what will it be like without your wives or girlfriends when you get here ;)

Medicals are repeated when you arrive as another way of terminating people who do not meet certain standards. The visa medical is to stop anyone entering that may have a disease such as HIV (god forbid). There are trust issues here hence all the repeated admin and medicals etc.

Ask questions guys whether about the employer who will sponsor you, lifestyle, system and culture. Saudi Arabia is not a holiday destination and is not like the movie The Kingdom.

If the running around gets to you now get used to it as there is more to come when you get here. It is a big move especially if you have not travelled much outside the States. It is worth it if you want it to be.


Forum Crew Member
Haha first off I haven't been on here for about a week, and I have to say, being at each other's throats even before we have a chance to live/ work together poses more of a concern to me than living in Riyadh does. lol. Im roughly half way done with the packet (hunting down those employment letters) and pretty stoked to get over there.

It sounds like we have some eyes over there already. Any chance we could get some updated compound pictures on the forum?


Forum Ride Along

I'm puzzled ....

Some of you still seem to be in the SRCA pipeline, others are being recruited by Action Aviation.

What's the difference? I'd been given the impression that Action had taken over that responsibility, and most of us had our resume's placed in a new pile and handed off.

Those of you doing SRCA (WTEngel, Armor and others) Are you going as SRCA employee's on a work Visa? I thought those were taking up to 6 months to get, that it was an individual contract, and even the pay varies from person to person. I was told I'd be supervisor and make all kinds of money (offer went up 3 times) each time I asked a question. Never an answer, just a "do not worry" "trust me" and then the thought that more money would make me forget the question or concern.

Jay (Action Aviation) has been nothing but forthcoming and realistic. Plenty of open communication, and reasonable requests and expectations.

Why would the rest of you continue on the SRCA path? Am I missing some thing here? Please enlighten me.

Action Aviation has been asked to bring in medics on a six month contract to establish the HEMS service for the SRCA while they finish there recruiting process. We are able to bring people in on a business visa which only takes about 2 weeks to process and does not require any paperwork, medicals, or first born. At the end of the six months i see the options to extend with Action or transfer to the SRCA for fulltime employment.

The benefit of being with SRCA is that you are fulltime and will be issued a residence permit to do the things like open bank accounts, buy cars. With Action we are unable to do those things and most of our employees are rotational. There are only two of us at this point that will be fulltime and this is because we were already expats living next door in Qatar.

I am open for any questions. To clear some other items up, Action Aviation is the company who operates the HEMS service for the SRCA. We are tasked with this until at such point the SRCA is able to take over. We provide training, orientation, and oversight at the present with most of that being turned over to SRCA once they have the people. Action Aviation is the contractor and SRCA is the customer (per the MD himself).

Guys, we are one team when we get here, and that is how I operate. It is going to take all of us to get this service up. Trust me!!


Forum Crew Member
Wow, my whole process has been going very smoothly. I made my appointment for my physical on Jan 4th. I have no Medical Insurance and had to pay $200.00 upfront. I'm seeing a PA to get it done and after looking at the three medical forms, from the SRCA I brought in. They thought that the total cost would be Approx $800.00. I worked out a payment plan with them and so the process continues. At this point, I'm going to get finger printed and send it off. After I get that back, I'll send off my paperwork.

I'm dealing directly with SRCA they have been very nice, and straight forward. My job offer was acceptable when I received it (pay, benefits,etc.) I think living and working in a foreign country, getting to meet new people. Is going to be a great adventure. Lot's of my Medic friends wish that they could do something like this.


Forum Crew Member
The medical care in Saudi

If you were to be injured, which hospital would you go to. What are the pittfalls of medical inpatient care there. If you require blood who is it coming from, are they as strict as the red cross. Has anyone ever looked into the company global rescue if you needed to be flown home?


Forum Probie
Medical Care in Saudi

Hi Guys!!

As a government employee we are covered at the government hospitals for medical care. This includes our dependants also. There are also private hospitals that you can choose to use. If you choose is pay as you go....literally. We had to pay up front before they would do anything to me. The SRCA did pay me back the money when I presented them with the receipts. If you are anything like me you are use to tending to your own issues as much as possible before you seek proffessional help......same system here. The expats stick together and take care of each other as much as possible.....if more care is needed.....we go to the DR. You can buy almost every med you can think of over the counter here. Except narcs of course. Most of the hospitals here operate under western standards of some don't worry about the blood issue. If something happens to you and you need to be transported is my understanding that the SRCA will take care of it. That does not mean that they will fly you back to the US to have something minor done....if you die....they will send your body back. This is a developed country that can take care of all medical problems. Granted it may not be to our standard but you must look at it logically.
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