JStorm, send your resume online through their website
click here.
I just came back. I don't feel like I did a good job of selling myself there.

-Poor hand writing on my application (on one part, it asked for position, and I misspelled emergency medical technician, tried writing over the part I messed up, and ended up crossing it out, and writing EMT next to it). I didn't ask for another one because the guy I sat next to did, and they said no to him so I just edited like I would on a PCR, single line with initial, haha!
-Got at least one question wrong on the multiple choice.
-In the interview, one of the scenarios I could've kept on going, but I stopped, and there was an awkward silence, and as I was gonna continue thinking (okay, he definitely wants details), he asked said "Okay..." and asked the next question.
-Quickly and sloppily answered the questions in the interview.
Go to 550 Sycamore St., Milpitas, CA. If you go by GPS, it might take you all the way up to Montague Expressway on 880 (if you're heading north bound on 880, this is a good way, but I was heading south bound, which there is a faster/shorter way). If I get a job there/go there again, I would have taken the Tazman exit, left on McCarthy, and left on Sycamore.
You walk in, there is a receptionist to the left. She'll ask you to sign in, and ask you some questions: Did you apply online? Are you a certified CA EMT? Do you have ICS 100, ICS 200, NIMS 700, IS 704, AWR 160, First Responder Operational, an ambulance driver license and California driver license. If you didn't apply online (the link I gave you only allows you to upload your resume, if you did it earlier, you may have had the chance to fill out the application online, or you could have possibly downloaded it and faxed it - although I don't know if it'd go to the Milpitas location and if they'd be aware of it) then she'll give you a clipboard with the application. Fill it out, give it to her, she'll tell you to walk through the door and go to the right. It's a giant room, there is a table in the right corner that they want you to go to. The guy will ask you for your certifications and driver license so they can copy it. I already brought copies in, and he took that instead. Afterwards, he'll give you a multiple choice test. The questions were things we learned in EMT school, HIPPA, location of hospitals, and a Santa Clara County protocol question. I know I messed up on one of hospital locations cause my company doesn't go there so I couldn't think were it was at, haha. Very easy test other than me messing up on the location of one hospital. After you finish the test, if an interviewer is free, they'll interview. They asked a couple of customer service and ethics questions, and a couple of EMT scenarios and questions.
I went with a white button up collar shirt, tie, fancy pants (khaki pants), belt, shirt tucked in, fancy shoes, black socks, etc. Of the people there, I was the only one dressed like that (I heard there were a million people yesterday, today there were only like 5 or 6 while I was there). Other people dressed in regular cloths, their EMT uniform in school, and one was in scrubs. The interviewers were semi-causal, EMT uniform/scrub-like cloths, and some of the guys were dressed up with colored shirt (blue and red).
I offered to give them my a physical copy of my resume (it was on resume paper too), DMV driving record, immunizations, ppd result, copy of my social security, copy of a second ID (passport), and they didn't want it.
All together, it took me around 50 minutes total.
Good luck dude. There are a lot of openings, but also a lot of people applying.