What kind of format do you use when writing your run reports?
I take a bit of everything...
I always start with the dispatch info, how I found the Pt upon arriving (sitting, standing, supine, etc) and there CAO level (with an explanation if it is not CAO x3 or 4)
Then my HPI [history of present illness]: this everything that is said from bystanders, FD, PD, family, Pt that prior to me getting on scene and sometimes other things while I am there.
then my assessment section. I break this down to body systems to find it easier to find if a MD asks about anything in particular.
Explain anything out of normal limits.
so my breakdown:
[HEENT] Head,ears, eyes, nose and throat. Are they PEARL? if not what is different. level and loss of consciousness? GCS? if not 15 or 3 break down of GCS. JVD? tracheal deviation? speech?, explain speech, slurred, # of words per sentence, etc. facial droop? some of these are positive or negative findings but document your assessment.
[CHEST] chest pain? SOB? Lung Sounds-->describe them. equal chest expansion?
[ABDOMEN] soft? tender? distended? pulsating mass? etc...
[PELVIS] stable?
[EXTREMITIES] PMS x4? x3? amputation? edema?
[SKIN] temp? color? moisture?
then my Treatment section. what did I do. O2? ECG? Glucose? SPO2? meds? etc.
If I gave meds an Rx section
then a changes section
at last but not least the transport section-->how did we transfer the Pt. position of Pt. where we went. etc.
I know reports are lengthy but I try to put in my report as much as possible. This way a MD can find out exactly how the Pt was when we found them. because many times I am no longer around when the MD sees a Pt.
I also tried to be this detailed if I ever need to recall anything for court.
If anyone has any suggestions, I am more than happy to use new things to make my reports even better