I am in the process of making up a resume for the position of Flight Paramedic. I talked to an individual on another site with alot of background and knowledge when it comes to the business, hiring, position, etc. The individual really sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I sent him my resume and he told me I needed to tidy it up a bit. Some of things he told me to leave out was Certs that pertained to the Firefighting side and awards. He said managers are not interested in those things. Only pertinent materials to the position of Flight Medic should be in there. Another one of things was my employment record. I first starting working at the place I am at now back in 2000, I left in May of 2003 for 4 mon cuz I thought the grass was greaner on the other side. I came back 4 mon later as a Part timer until I got promoted to FT in 04 and I've worked there since. Now he told me to leave out the stint at the other place since I was only there 4 mon and it's a fire dept job and therefore does not apply anyways. He then told me that a resume is only for recent and applicable material to the position applying for. If they ask for a CV then tell your life story. I feel weird leaving out the other job cuz I feel like I might be hiding something.