@Handsome Robb I don't see grabbing your primary gear as hard work, sorry. There will be no good excuse if you roll into a call with no primary gear and you end up needing it. That's what it was put on the ambulance for, and 99.9% of the time for the BS calls we don't end up needing it except for grabbing vitals if they want to refuse.
@RocketMedic my monitor has our sp02 as well, I'm not thinking every BS call is going to somehow end up be a cardiac arrest in the slightest bit. But it does happen, and I believe "working smarter" means having your primary gear. I didn't say everything, simply a bag and monitor.
Sure fire has their own bags, but am I going to let me job ride on hoping they have everything medically they are supposed to? Nope.
Like the other night when I went to a "priority 4 shooting" (which is our second lowest priority), it changed to a 2 as we rolled up. Police never let dispatch know they were doing CPR. Would of been a real crappy feeling if we walked in there with no gear. No doubt I would have been speaking to brass about it. with no real excuse other than being lazy.
You saying this has never happened to you is probably more reason to start doing it lol. Odds are not in your favor.