Recommendations on clothing and boots

Torsades de Pointes

Forum Ride Along
Hi, my name is Morganne and I will start the first responder EMT-B class at my local community college this fall. I am already looking at pants and boots to purchase and would appreciate pointers as to online stores, local stores (I live in Northern California) and brands to look out for. Please include any pointers, insights as to what to avoid or be mindful of when purchasing clothing and boots.

Thank you!


Forum Ride Along
I second this question as I am in the same boat. My school recommended either ****ies EMS pants or one by the brand Propper. Does anyone have any experience with either? Also what boots is everyone wearing? Tall, ankle high, ect?


Forum Captain
Make sure to check your EMT program syllabus as to what you are suppose to wear. Most programs have a uniform code.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
You do not need EMT specific anything for class. Or shouldn't at least. A class that requires you to wear a uniform is silly enough, a class that requires EMT pants and accompanying accouterments is an immediate red flag.

Black boots of whatever variety and navy ****ies look just fine for clinical time.
Torsades de Pointes

Torsades de Pointes

Forum Ride Along
You do not need EMT specific anything for class. Or shouldn't at least. A class that requires you to wear a uniform is silly enough, a class that requires EMT pants and accompanying accouterments is an immediate red flag.

Black boots of whatever variety and navy ****ies look just fine for clinical time.

Thanks for your input. Could you please elaborate what you mean by a "red flag"?


Forum Ride Along
^^ agreed. Please elaborate.

My program has a strict uniform code, and the syllabus says its to help prepare for the future and help students act like professionals.
That doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.


Community Leader
Community Leader
Eh, I don't see uniform requirements for class as being a huge deal. I've seen plenty of programs that require EMS/work pants of some kind and some variety of polos.

In any case though, the good advice above remains true. Buy pants you're comfortable wearing and that look professional enough. Besides that, it's all personal preference. Same goes for boots.


Forum Ride Along
You do not need EMT specific anything for class. Or shouldn't at least. A class that requires you to wear a uniform is silly enough, a class that requires EMT pants and accompanying accouterments is an immediate red flag.

Black boots of whatever variety and navy ****ies look just fine for clinical time.
My class required a uniform because we did clinicals with a local county, and we wore them every day to class to get used to professional dress. It was a good thing. Make sure boots have a steel toe. Mine are Red Wings. I don't know if that company is in CA.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Perhaps red flag is too strong a term, but I just don't see the point. Class is about education and you do not need a uniform to learn. Not to mention that several of the crappy programs I knew of when I started in MA required such things.

A uniform should absolutely be worn during clinicals, even if it's just a plain polo and pants with black shoes. The idea that you need to get used to professional dress is silly, we are all adults here. It is not particularly difficult to tuck in your shirt.

As for boots, steel toes are not always a requirement and some (me) find them uncomfortable. I'll take my chances.


Forum Deputy Chief
Personally I think it's a little ridiculous to have to spend upwards of a hundred bucks on a uniform I'll only wear for one 120-150 hour class and then never touch again (if your lucky get 20-30 bucks back selling the shirt afterwards). I'd hate to spend the money on tactical cargo pants and a dark blue (or light blue) button up uniform shirt, spend the money to get a school patch sewn on and a nameplate made/BDU nametag sewn on/name embroidered, etc, only to find employment at a company/agency that doesn't allow cargo/tactical pants and wears a completely different color uniform shirt, or even if it's the same color, still have to pay for the alterations to the patches and name tape/tags. Especially considering not everyone who graduates as an EMT is necessarily immediately going for a job at an ambulance company.

I've worked for three different agencies, the first one had BDU style sewn on name tags, the second used pin on name plates (Lord help you if a supervisor see you have the wrong color one) and now my current agency simply embroiders the name onto the shirt itself. Likewise the first agency had a metal badge that required a badge holder sewn in, the second agency didn't have a badge at all, and now the third one simply sews in a cloth badge.

Now if the uniform was issued by the school free of charge, or is more along the lines of "Black polo without logo" etc than that's a completely different story.