Really Bad Joke (made me laugh anyway)

Free on Kindle! My future Paramedic partner will thank you infinitely. lol
What do you get if you have 2 snowmen and 2 vampires?
a sever case of frost bite. (You can't blame me for this one- came from that book)
Off topic posts have been removed and the issue that was being talked about doesn't need to be talked about any further.
Rather than the "obvious death" answer, my instructor went with: well, you could try, but would you bag the head, or the neck stump.

Now that's pretty damn funny.

Why do firefighters spray water around at car accidents?

So the Paramedics have something to walk on!

Since were on the joke wagon I'll contribute.

What did the medic say to the stroke patient with left side paralysis?

You're going to be all right!

  • "Doctors at a hospital in Brooklyn, New York have gone on strike. Hospital officials say they will find out what the Doctors' demands are as soon as they can get a pharmacist over there to read the picket signs!"
LOL ok...

Three tomatoes are crossing the road. Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato, and Baby Tomato. Baby Tomato starts lagging behind. Papa Tomato gets mad, squishes Baby Tomato and says "Catch Up" (Ketchup).

I'm watching Pulp Fiction at the moment. My absolute most favorite movie. lol

Thats like the vegetable race...the cabbage came in first, the carrot was second and the tomato was trying to ketchup...
No idea where I heard this one, probably here but thought I'd share.

There was a doctor teaching gross anatomy. While standing in front of the class he addressed the class "During your time with me I will be teaching you many things, but I'd like to stress two things. First, no matter what come out of a body, it is normal, natural, and nothing to be squeamish about."

The doctor then promptly reached down and stuck his finger in his cadaver's butt, pulled it out, and popped his finger in his mouth. After the class finally calmed down, the doctor instructed the students to do the same, as he had. After much protesting, they did so.

Finally the doctor continued "The second thing I plan to stress to you, is attention to detail. You'll notice I placed my ring finger in the cadavers butt, and placed my middle finger in my mouth."

Lol, nice joke.