Random CPR question: Shirt on/off?

You know a harness like that could be useful. And as for the trading out and not wanting to stop CPR there should be away around that if you make it simple enough.

I for one don't have enough body mass to do CPR with one hand and hold on with the other. Needless to say though I still haven't had to do CPR in the rig. So far it has been bagging the pt or hooking up the defib.
Think about tying an 8 at the begining of the shift to the bar, then clip into it with the fall arrestor. done. 5 seconds...tops... locked in, no worries.
Originally posted by PArescueEMT@Feb 11 2005, 02:35 AM
Think about tying an 8 at the begining of the shift to the bar, then clip into it with the fall arrestor. done. 5 seconds...tops... locked in, no worries.
or, just wear the (very whacker :rolleyes: ) "instructor emergency rappel belt" from galls and clup in with that :rolleyes:

The new AHA guidelines pretty much eliminate landmarks, mid nipple is pretty easy to guage, and you can feel the sternum with the ball of yer hand, youre performin bystander CPR, theres no realistic reason to remove the shirt, since you dont have any equipment to put on their exposed chest. Unless shes 18 and tan enough that the cyanosis wont show and be creepy ;-)
but if you are on scene prior to the arrival of EMS, wouldn't you be acting as a first response type of situation? If you are trained with healthcare provider CPR, you do as your taught; i.e. find your landmarks. That is not the only reason as you have seen here. it prepares for EMS, and makes transport theorhetically quicker since they can skip that stage.
I don't think I could provide that basic of care even if acting as only a first responder. I've had that darn assessment sheet drilled into my head so deeply that if I saw someone drop while I was shoppong at the mall, my first thought is going to be c-spine, then ABC, expose, etc...

Even when I'm teaching I have a very difficult time separating what they need to do as first responders and the things I have been taught to consider and look for.
Healthcare doenst use landmarks anymore either, just midnipple, which doesnt mean actually going between the nipples or youd be doing compressions on the knees of elderly females. I personally dont carry my shears in my street clothes so i dont see that manipulating the average person who wears non button up shirts, bodys to pull their shirt off as beneficial to anyone. with shears it takes less than two seconds with one hand to cut a shirt off, so it really wont save EMS any time, what it will do is decrease the persons chance for survival if bystander CPR is interrupted to remove a shirt.