Problems while taking the National Registry

you could be a quine (i cant spell) pig for the test.

G-u-i-n-e-a I swear a little spell checker lives in my head!
shouldn't have. Mine stopped in the 60's or 70's and I passed with flying colors. ^_^
i got up to 120 and test stoped i failed:ph34r:
mine stopped at 70 and i took it on friday and i passed and found out 6 hours later on the site..
The NREMT is looking for a 70%. As you take the test your overall grade is computed and if you are doing great, the test may stop anywhere but usually around 80 give or take a few. If you overall grade is not good, the test mat stop at the same number of questions with a disqualifying result. If you are floating right on the 70% you will get more questions and will shut off when you score high enough or low enough. The NREMT also adds research type questions as mentioned earlier. These questions are in the test to see how the field has been trained and are not counted toward your grade. That is usually where the fluctuation in low number questions come from. I have heard a lot of my students say that when the test shut off if you asked the last question correct they passed. If you missed the last question they failed. It’s kind of like the "icing on the cake" so to say. It’s probably not an exact science but worth paying attention to. If you were taught well and studied well you should be fine. Good luck to all!!
the one thing i wasnt expectiing were so many senario questions, i think at least half my test were geratic senarios. I passed in 65 questions but when i left i thought i had failed.
The NREMT is looking for a 70%.!

Actually, they are no longer using that equation. It used to be 70%. Now, it is much more complicated than that. Read other articles.

Remember, there is test bank full of questions. Where one person may have a large percentage of scenario base questions others may not have any at all. It uses an random generator so one will not receive the same question twice.

Again each question is weight based upon the strength of the question, not the number you get correct. Example one may only get 65 correct and while others get 80 correct but not pass.

R/r 911
My computer shut off at 72. The next day i checked if i passed online and i did. I <3 NR. Even though its no diffrent than a regular state Cert besides the "NR" in the beginning of "EMT".
my test shut off after 80 questions and i failed. One question my instructor could not answer was: How do you detect uterine cancer? I looked in my books and i can not find the answer. I think this is one of the questions that they are thinking about putting on. Does anyone have an answer for me. I would like to know just to know.:unsure:
The following is a 100% Definitive way to see whether you have passed or failed.

If you see the following, you passed.

Examination Scored
Congratulations on passing the NREMT cognitive examination. Your passing result on the cognitive examination will remain valid for a one year period from the date of the examination, [Date] (provided you meet all current requirements for National EMS Certification.
Please allow 2 weeks for the NREMT to mail out results letters.

If you see the following, you failed.

Examination Scored
With regret, we must report that you have failed the cognitive examination taken [date].
Within 2 weeks, we will be mailing you a results letter to assist you in identifying areas of strength and weakness on the National Registry examination.
my test shut off after 80 questions and i failed. One question my instructor could not answer was: How do you detect uterine cancer? I looked in my books and i can not find the answer. I think this is one of the questions that they are thinking about putting on. Does anyone have an answer for me. I would like to know just to know.:unsure:

This one is pretty simple. It is found out by a Pap test with scrapings of the lining of the uterus/cervix (which every women, child bearing age should have performed yearly) during the pelvic examination. The lining is called the endometrium, is the most common cancer of a woman's reproductive tract.

R/r 911
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I just took my EMT-B on yesterday, and received my scores today, failed. was very dissappointed. I have not worked in the medical field for 1 1/2 years, and my primary job requires me to be EMT-B certified, so this really sucks. I hope to retake this in 15 days, what can I use to study to ensure I pass? I think that my test went up to 110 questions, not good:unsure:
Test results...

After the test you are to find your results on a web site. What does the web site say, besides you passed or failed.

Does it tell you where your weak points or strong points were?

Just wondering why, when people post that the have past or failed, they don't post what their strong points and weak points were. (Especially the ones who failed...what were the parts you struggled with or scored low)
you get a letter in the mail usually that week which tells you where you were "above passing," "at passing," or "below passing."
Hey all. I took the EMT-B on Saturday, it ended on 71 questions. I used around 40 minutes to do it. Found out today through the website, I passed! ^_^

However, it also said "To obtain national registration, it is also necessary to successfully complete a psychomotor (practical) examination."

I graduated from the EMT-B program last summer, but waited until now to get the ball rolling. The EMT school did have practicals at the end of the summer with the written final portion. I ended up passing both. About a month ago when I first signed up for national registration I contacted my school and I was informed that confirmation of passing the class, practicals were sent.

Could this be a result of waiting so long to do it that now my practical score is invalid? Perhaps contacting my EMT school is the best thing to do.
Contacting your school is a good start, you might also try contacting the testing my state its a state run program. And BTW congrats on passing!!!
Thanks for the congrats and advice!

I contacted my school and things seem more puzzling. Just as you suggested, I must email/phone an EMT representative of the state. Apparently, they won't accept practical examination scores from EMT programs after Sept of last year. Hmm.

So I'm really not sure what to make of this. I'm going to wait and see if I get an email response.
Zeek, I'm having similar problems.

I passed the NREMT-Basic CBT and was then told I had to complete a practical skills test. I talked with some people at NREMT who said I had to have completed a practical skills test within the last year and my test was 2 years ago. I'm confused because I had to get my "Practical Skills Verified" before I could take the CBT. I called my state (MA) office but they said they cannot retest me because I am already an EMT in MA.

I'll be living in RI next year and need to be certified as an EMT-B there. Any RI EMTs who could give me some advice? I've heard there is no practical exam for basics in RI.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Zeek, I'm having similar problems.

I passed the NREMT-Basic CBT and was then told I had to complete a practical skills test. I talked with some people at NREMT who said I had to have completed a practical skills test within the last year and my test was 2 years ago. I'm confused because I had to get my "Practical Skills Verified" before I could take the CBT. I called my state (MA) office but they said they cannot retest me because I am already an EMT in MA.

I'll be living in RI next year and need to be certified as an EMT-B there. Any RI EMTs who could give me some advice? I've heard there is no practical exam for basics in RI.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Did you call and tell the NREMT that you were a EMT in MA? Again, (for the hundred time) NREMT only requires a state to verify that they have passed a practical examination, through state or school. NREMT does NOT have a Basic Practical examination for themselves, only a recommended suggested outline.

Recontact NREMT and inform that MA approved you as a Basic EMT and they will probably accept a copy of your MA card as proof, and grant you a NREMT certification since you passed the test.

Good luck !

R/r 911
Thanks for your response!

I did tell the NREMT that I was an EMT-B in MA but they said I needed to retake the practical because it was more than 1 year ago (took the practical in June 2006)