Priority One Medical Transport?

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Please anyone who is considering applying for Priority One, do not work there it is one of the worst ambulance companies in Los Angeles.Priority one is a terrible ambulance company to work for. i have worked for them for a couple years and it has been getting worse and worse everyday.They are very shady, they will try to make you run calls illegally where they know you cant, and if you argue you get a write up.Dispatch are all Fools, they give these unreasonable ETAs and blame you for being late.No matter how hard you work, how much of a great employee you are, there is no chance of getting promoted, they always hire from outside (also btw they hire very inept,inexperienced EMTs and tell them to lie to us about there experience). Corporate is incredibly stupid, and unreasonable, the owners are a Daddy and Daughter team a few things they share are GREED, EGO and an incredible disrespect to everyone who works for them. They have a hard time holding on to people so if you stay with them they will try to "mandate" you to come in on youre days off to work, if you cant come in you get a write up. I urge you to stay away we need to let this company collapse due to its own ineptitude.
If its so bad why are you working there?

Instead of posting here how bad it is where you work, why not put that effort into finding a new job. No one is going to take you seriously if this is the only kind of thing you are going to post.

What you describe is sadly a norm in private ems. So find a place you can tolerate, suck it up, move or upgrade your education.
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Priority One Medical transport is terrible

This company is one of the worse ambulance companies there is. The owners and corporate treat there employees like crap and keep them in line by making them fear that they will lose there job any minute. constantly harass employee they placed 10 CAmeras!! just to make people afraid to do anything even joke around (we later found out these cameras were fake but i think thats worse). I Don't know a single employee there who is happy, everyone hates working there if it weren't for this lousy economy nobody would work there. Anyone Considering applying here i recommend you look anywhere else, the company is always loosing contracts that should tell you something. The Owner and his Daughter are Egomaniacal greedy monsters that exploit EMTs to make a buck, there will be no promotions,low pay,bad attitudes (mostly from management). i hope enough people read this and choose not to take the job, if you dont believe me go to the interview and see what a joke the interview process is, theyll hire anyone because they have a hard time holding on to people.
Oh boy. Where to start?

Well, they're about par for the course as far as privates in SoCal go.

As far as Dispatch, the only ones i have issues with are Jennifer and Crystal. Jen because she's... Jen, and Crystal because she's not really a dispatcher, just someone to fill a seat. The rest of them are just like us, doing what they're told and trying to keep their job.

I'll agree with you about the supervisors. There's only one right now that I respect, the rest are useless.

As far as the Daddy/Daughter duo, Dad is pretty hands off with the ambulance side of things, daughter isn't a bad person, she just doesn't have the business experience to run the place.

I am interested in hearing about these calls they make you run illegally, and how people are getting write ups for turning them down. These issues should be brought to the union and grieved. If you need to get in touch with a Steward or a Rep I can help you out.
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Priority One Medical Transport

Please anyone who is considering applying for Priority One, do not work there it is one of the worst ambulance companies in Los Angeles.Priority one is a terrible ambulance company to work for. i have worked for them for a couple years and it has been getting worse and worse everyday.They are very shady, they will try to make you run calls illegally where they know you cant, and if you argue you get a write up.Dispatch are all Fools, they give these unreasonable ETAs and blame you for being late.No matter how hard you work, how much of a great employee you are, there is no chance of getting promoted, they always hire from outside (also btw they hire very inept,inexperienced EMTs and tell them to lie to us about there experience). Corporate is incredibly stupid, and unreasonable, the owners are a Daddy and Daughter team a few things they share are GREED, EGO and an incredible disrespect to everyone who works for them. They have a hard time holding on to people so if you stay with them they will try to "mandate" you to come in on youre days off to work, if you cant come in you get a write up. I urge you to stay away we need to let this company collapse due to its own ineptitude. If you don't believe me go to the interview and see what a joke that process is like, they will hire anyone because EMTs are always quitting on them. good luck.
only reason im still there is im finishing up school and a resume looks much better if you hold one job longer. oh and you obviously haven't worked a shift with Mike Parker when he jumps on as a Medic, and when Pam gets on to dispatch and has us all running with some impossible ETAs or trying to upgrade a call to ALS,when there constantly asking us for ETAs its because Pam is near by *****ing. and Jen yeah i Agree total :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:. oh and as far as illegal calls. they have tried 2 times to get me to pick up a in San Diego County where im not certified, i had to argue with them but i know for a fact some EMTs have been sent to San Diego to run calls in the past.
Triplicate threads merged.
Heres what i will add an then im out... it looksgood if you stay for a long time but it looks worse when you trash your employer online where everyone can find it. Also you can pick up anywhere. You have a state card so your good. As long as la dot isnt involved. I have a different county card from where i work. No biggie
This company is one of the worse ambulance companies there is. The owners and corporate treat there employees like crap and keep them in line by making them fear that they will lose there job any minute. constantly harass employee they placed 10 CAmeras!! just to make people afraid to do anything even joke around (we later found out these cameras were fake but i think thats worse). I Don't know a single employee there who is happy, everyone hates working there if it weren't for this lousy economy nobody would work there. Anyone Considering applying here i recommend you look anywhere else, the company is always loosing contracts that should tell you something. The Owner and his Daughter are Egomaniacal greedy monsters that exploit EMTs to make a buck, there will be no promotions,low pay,bad attitudes (mostly from management). i hope enough people read this and choose not to take the job, if you dont believe me go to the interview and see what a joke the interview process is, theyll hire anyone because they have a hard time holding on to people.

As a current employee of Priority One, I would argue that P1 is definitely not the worst company. Also I will say, I don't hate my job and as far as taking illegal call, you do reserve the right to refuse them. Just explain your reasoning and if need be, write an incident report.
Me thinks someone has a skewed view of what IFT was going to be like....

Wow, you are incredible....P1 would not run you in SD County without a license.. They would at least send you to county EMS & pay for your license first if they were that desperate. I did!

You better have a really nice "believeable" resume for your future employers... oh and hopefully your employee file is clean. By the looks of your attitude, I'm pretty certain that you should be worried. Background investigators don't like people like you. Sorry. :)

only reason im still there is im finishing up school and a resume looks much better if you hold one job longer. oh and you obviously haven't worked a shift with Mike Parker when he jumps on as a Medic, and when Pam gets on to dispatch and has us all running with some impossible ETAs or trying to upgrade a call to ALS,when there constantly asking us for ETAs its because Pam is near by *****ing. and Jen yeah i Agree total :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:. oh and as far as illegal calls. they have tried 2 times to get me to pick up a in San Diego County where im not certified, i had to argue with them but i know for a fact some EMTs have been sent to San Diego to run calls in the past.

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