Forum Deputy Chief
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You need to get yourself and your MSIII friend in check, now. You do not know more than a medic. You are learning very general pathology and biochemistry. Medical school does not prepare you to provide emergency prehospital care. It prepares you for a residency and step I and II of the USMLE. If your MS-III friend tries to overstep his bounds, he can be fired and lose his cert. He is an EMT, not a doctor.
As I am on the "pre-med" track right now, I may have a little more basic science classes than some of my co-workers. That means nothing to them, myself, my company, and nothing to the patient or the ant crawling on the floor.
The MS-III has already taken Step 1 (and passed) and is in the middle of clinical training. They likely have done rotations in internal med, surgery, peds and family med. Their knowledge of A&P, biochem, microbio, path and others has been more than extremely well tested- they've passed a HUGE licensing exam. So, I take issue with your statement that an MS-III learns "very general pathology and biochemistry". It's just incorrect.