Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed


Forum Ride Along

Uh yes. Just because it took you longed doesn't mean I didn't get it done quickly. It kicked me off so fast the people in the testing center stared at me quizzically and I thought I failed. So unless you designed the test or run it your "Uh no" really has no grounds.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
No, as in typically the minimum number of questions you can get is about 70; that's without missing any questions. So for you to get "42" either the test deemed you as a prodigy, they recently changed the test and you're the only one to find out, you mistook what number you were actually on (most likely), or you straight up made one up and now are acting defensive because you were called on it.
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Forum Ride Along
No, as in typically the minimum number of questions you can get is about 70; that's without missing any questions. So for you to get "42" either the test deemed you as a prodigy, they recently changed the test and you're the only one to find out, you mistook what number you were actually on (most likely), or you straight up made one up and now are acting defensive because you were called on it.

Again, unless you designed the test you shouldn't talk. 70 is the "average" number of questions it asks most people when they pass. It is very possible to have FAR less answered and still pass. So you can believe what you want. It honestly makes no difference to me. I obviously thrive on posting to this forum with inaccurate information. You caught me!


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Scroll through these 2100 posts, and look for one single test below 60. But I guess you could be the only exceptionally brilliant person to post here in years... :unsure: And you'd be surprised at the number of people who do seem to thrive on lies on this forum, so excuse my skepticism.

My unsolicited .02 that you're going to blow off, don't tell people you know that you had so few; you will automatically be assumed a fabricator :)

And 70 is most certainly not the average.
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Forum Ride Along
Scroll through these 2100 posts, and look for one single test below 60. But I guess you could be the only exceptionally brilliant person to post here in years... :unsure: And you'd be surprised at the number of people who do seem to thrive on lies on this forum, so excuse my skepticism.

My unsolicited .02, don't tell people you know that you had so few; you will automatically be assumed a fabricator :)

Well it's been an issue for me before. I know how many I answered but you do make a valid point. Also you're right about people lying on forums to stroke egos. IMO it's pretty sad but people do it often!


Forum Ride Along
I'm taking the NR in August (hopefully) what subjects seemed to be the most prevalent on there? I'm studying all subjects anyways but was just curious.

Keep studying all of them but i just took my test 2 weeks ago and there seemed to be a lot of ped's related questions. I think the second most prominent was probably Airway and Breathing.

I don't remember who said it but i found that the JBlearning website was the most help of all. Good way to review and get accustom to the way the questions are worded.

And to answer the original question here i answered 1 question and got 100% so they stopped it. I passed..... oh there i go again stroking my ego. Lol. I actually answered 71 and passed.

Best advise, stay calm, read the questions thouroghly and you will be fine. When in doubt.... high flow O2.


Forum Captain
AFAIK the NREMT Basic exam provides a minimum of 10 questions from each of 6 possible categories. Nobody should get fewer than 60 questions. And as I wrote earlier, if you get stopped early you should have confidence in whether you are doing great or miserably.

The NREMT said:
95% Confidence is Necessary to Pass or Fail a CAT Exam

The high achiever who is able to answer most of the questions correctly will find that the computer ends the exam early. Many candidates worry that something is wrong because the exam was so short. In reality, the computer was able to determine that the candidate jumped far higher than the standard level—or was well above the level of competency In a CAT exam. The computer stops the exam when it is 95% confident that the individual candidate has reached the level of competency.

As mentioned before the length of a CAT exam is variable. Sometimes a candidate can demonstrate a level of competency in as few as 60 test items. Sometimes, after 60 questions, the candidate has shown to be close to entry-level competency but the computer has not determined within the 95% confidence requirement that the candidate is either above or below the entry-level competency standard. In cases when the computer is not 95% confident, the test continues to provide additional items.
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Forum Probie
Erm... I want to say around fifty. And I passed.


Forum Captain
Two claiming under 60 questions? Interesting...


Forum Probie
113 questions-PASS

Son passed his on 113, friend of his passed at 121, another friend just took NR yesterday and failed at 133.


Community Leader
12 Years ago...

In the time before the NREMT went to CBT, I stopped at 150, and that was because that was the end of the exam! Oh, yeah, I passed... by a comfortable margin and then some. I haven't had a chance to try the adaptive CBT stuff yet, though I will get to enjoy that in all it's glory in about a year. Looking forward to, and dreading, the NCLEX-RN.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
80 questions, NREMT-P. Passed