Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed


150. Drove home and opened the site. Passed. phhhewww.!
Yepp. I was surprised my self.
It was maybe 3 hrs after the exam. Ran a couple errands and had lunch before I went home to check.

This is good/bad news for me. Taking the NREMT-P in a few weeks myself. If I log on after 3hrs and the results aren't there the anxiety will set in swiftly lol
I have heard the earlier in the day you take it the better chances are you will get results the same day.
I took mine at 10:30am.

Good to know, thanks for the info. Do you mind me asking what you did to prepare? I've mainly just been doing, along with studying for the practical portion.
Reviewed a package of notes and topics from a review session my school put on.
Also, got the app on my phone from JB Learning and took practice questions from that.

Good luck !
Attempt #2 about an hour ago. Cut off at around 102 questions. The first attempt was 60, so 102 was a little reassuring but im thinking that it could be a crap shoot and it could go either way. No results posted yet
Attempt #2 about an hour ago. Cut off at around 102 questions. The first attempt was 60, so 102 was a little reassuring but im thinking that it could be a crap shoot and it could go either way. No results posted yet

UPDATE: since I couldn't update my post. I passed
68 questions and passed.
I was told by my instructor that it "must have been near 100% right" but I do not think so, esp. after reading this thread. More like 91% or so.
As near as I can tell, I must have gotten something like 61 or so right.
Interestingly, my test was very heavy on vaginal bleeding and so was the test that two others took that day, although both were taking basic responder. One of them did 100+ questions, the other did like 80. I am pretty sure that the guy with 100 questions failed (he thought so too) and the gal with 80 passed, but that last is mostly a guess-estimate.
I took 25 minutes or so.
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100 questions and passed. I was actually quite shocked with the final score.

I am told that 100 questions is usually a failure, but I guess statistically you could hover just under the 70% estimated pass level as dictated by the computer and still go near the 120 maximum level.
I know a guy that went 116 and failed. He tells me that he missed the last two questions and that sunk him. How he figures this i do not know, but I suppose a lack of confidence in the last two questions might tell. Of course if he got that far he must have hovered just under the 70% right level.
I trust that people like me who go 60ish questions usually pass, although I suppose you could really bomb most everything and be shut out at that level.
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passed at 69 questions. Thought I failed for sure. It was heavy on the MCI-Incident command questions. Then at the end it was giving me impossible diagnostic questions- I was literally sitting at my computer console going WTF head VS DESK/Keyboard...:unsure: - and of course I took it Friday morning... so I got to wait all weekend for my result.
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Back when I took the national, I failed the first attempt at question #121.

The second go around, I passed at question #70
58 questions
pretty sure i got the last question wrong

needless to say was devastated when i left test center, certain i failed badly, and was shocked to see the results this morning!