Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

69/70 Questions in less than an hour. Two questions on ob specifically. Most of it was airway and trauma.
Freaked out and kept checking NREMT for results until 8 AM on the 19th.
Passed the first time
Took exam 8/20/14. Took me about an hour and half, since it was my second try and after how quickly i took the first attempt I slowed down and really focused. Almost over-thought some of the questions!

Both tries I had all 120 questions. Kind of tired of people talking about 150 questions on basic...idk if they took their test a long time ago but as per the NREMT site, the basic exam has 70-120 questions. Some may be throw-aways that don't count because the NREMT people are trying them out and have not really introduced them into the pool of test questions yet.

I passed this time. 120 questions, and I passed. I felt like the large majority were OB/GYN or Cardiac Disorder questions. Not a lot about AED or CPR, or even OPS, but more about specific conditions. A lot of CHF, COPD, Pulmonary embolism types.

Everyone likes to say you are definitely going to feel like you failed because the test is designed that way. After I failed the first time (and yes, I was SURE I failed), I studied the textbook religiously for two weeks. I studied twelve hours straight from the textbook the day before the test. I don't think any online quizzes or simulators were all that helpful, since most of them are not adaptive and the questions are sometimes inaccurate since they are mostly user-made.

Today, I left the test feeling confident about maybe not ALL of my responses, but the greater majority of them. Having 120 questions again sort of freaked me out and made me worry I failed, but I was not concerned about my performance. Just nervous. So study. Study the areas you know you are weaker in. Definitely study specific conditions. Use the not-so-awesome online tests to give you an idea of what areas you need to study harder. Read every question THREE times, and the answers. More than one of them is right and you have to pick the best. Or all of them are wrongish and you have to pick the most realistic, least-wrong. USE the scratch paper/dry-erase thing they give you. I drew diagrams and did math for volumes. Don't focus on your timer, DEFINITELY don't focus on how many questions you've answered.

Don't hang your hat on this because everyone's experience is different and the turn around times for results vary greatly, but the first time I didn't get my results until the next day and I failed. They have to go through your test and build the report of how you did in each section and that takes time. This time I passed, and I got my results maybe 3 hours after I took the test. They didn't have to make a report, just post that I passed.
I took my exam this morning and it ended after 68 questions. I already found out I passed-much quicker than expected.
68 and passed, first try. :cool:
Ok so I took my Exam last night at 6pm. I was going along smoothly then around question 90 I was at about 10 mins left. I started to panic so I kind of rushed myself a bit. When I got to around 3 mins I was frantically just clicking answers. Exam stopped me at 102. So maybe or maybe not. I hope I get this I have 4 notebooks filled from studying. Saying my prayers.
I took my exam yesterday afternoon. It stopped at question 120 and I was freaking out because I thought for sure that wasn't a good sign. I checked the website this morning and I passed!
Yep I failed at 102. Passed cardiac and EMS section. Near passing on GYN. Failed airway and trauma. So discouraged I studied so hard. But now I know where my weak and strong areas are.
Shut off at question 70...I just took it this morning so I don't know if I passed or not. Somewhat superstitious so I will wait until I get the grade from NREMT! Will update later ;)
Took the NREMT yesterday at 5:00 P.M. and found out I passed this morning when I checked at 7:00 A.M. Test ended @ question 70 and I had a little grin on my face when it ended there because that seems to be the lucky number.

I was a little nervous because my class ended over 3 months ago but it was much easier then I thought... My class tests were more difficult.
Tested yesterday @ 1300 for the NREMT; test questions went from relatively simple to very difficult pretty quickly. I was suprised to see some of the content related to things I felt we don't have within the scope of practice / standard of care as an EMT - some even bordered on what I would expect to see on a Medical School exam, or equivalent.

Exam program shut off after question #69 - results were posted on the NREMT website within 3 hours after completion of exam which I was surprised by it being so fast, but I passed! So I'm happy :D
I see this is an old post, but what the heck. I just took the exam two weeks ago. I was cut off at 67. That was the longest night of my life. Fell asleep late, woke up at 0300, got up at 0500. I, like so many others, was absolutely convinced I had failed. The school I went to has the highest first time pass rate in the state (Az) and I figured I had ruined their reputation, but by 0615, I found out I passed!!!!!!! It was a great moment!
first attempt i got up to 120 i think, and failed, took my second attempt at 0800 this morning and the last i looked i was at 65, answered a few more and it cut me off before i looked again, assuming low 70's, just got my results that i passed my EMT
Tested Friday stopped at 120 found out today I passed...was nervous all weekend because everyone said they stopped at 65-70 range and passed.