Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

My test stopped around 90, and now I sit and wait for the results. I took the test today.

I got a letter in the mail yesterday telling me they re-evaluated my test and I passed and got certificate, yay!!!!!!!!!!
120 questions, and got the last question answered right. I don't think it matters since the questions maxed out. Results still pending! :unsure:
All 150 .... and Passsed

NRP It was so much fun :rolleyes:, I guess the computer thought I'd like to do as many as possible.......BUT I PASSED!!!!!!!:rofl:
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I also got all 150 questions, I got the last question right, but didn't feel to confident about it since it gave me all 150. I also passed a month ago.
I didn't note the exact number, as I kept psyching myself out looking. However, I do know I got somewhere between 65 and 70, and I passed the first time. It's definitely true that I had no idea how I did, since there were so many questions with 2 possible answers. I simply tried to pick the most critical help or most sensible answer of the correct possibilities and it seemed to have worked. :)
Passed first try! Test shut off at 80 questions. I left the test thinking I failed. Reflecting back on the test before the results I realized I missed a lot of questions. I got a lot of OB, Thyroid, and Triage questions. I also had to use the Parkland formula, APGAR scale, and find kids weights. They seemed to ask the same question in different ways several times. I highly recommend the Success Paramedic book that Brady puts out and JBlearning site. I didn't use anything else. Good luck . Its a mind tease for sure.

Just FYI from talking to many, if you are asked the same question different ways, it usually means you got it wrong before and they are giving you another crack at it. :)