Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

120- passed! took it monday and had to wait until tonight for my results. Jesus what a wait

Passed first try! Test shut off at 80 questions. I left the test thinking I failed. Reflecting back on the test before the results I realized I missed a lot of questions. I got a lot of OB, Thyroid, and Triage questions. I also had to use the Parkland formula, APGAR scale, and find kids weights. They seemed to ask the same question in different ways several times. I highly recommend the Success Paramedic book that Brady puts out and JBlearning site. I didn't use anything else. Good luck . Its a mind tease for sure.
This thread eased some of my worries while waiting for my test results. Since I took my test on a Friday you would think that my results would be available on Monday, but no by the time Wednesday came around still no results. Finally I decided to email NREMT and see what is going on. I never found out, but when I log in it has my certification number and expiration date meaning I passed!!! 70 questions and it turned off.

Took it today, stopped at 67 questions. I was pretty pissed and felt defeated and 100% sure I failed. At about 530 this afternoon I decided to check the site to confirm my thoughts and I was relieved to find out that I passed!
I used JB learning navigate test prep.
EMT advantage
EMT academy app
school resources

the main plan is any question your not sure about go back to the book and learn it.
Your going to be dealing with real people real problems. Answers you understand skip them. Attack subjects your having issues with. Best of Luck

I took the paramedic exam and my test stopped at 80 questions and I found out the next day that I PASSEDDDD!!! Keep up the success!

Results in less than 5 hours. I was out running errands and arrived home to find my results already posted.