Okay so tonight we got a call for Mental Status Change. Our patient was a0x1, nonverbal, and could not follow commands, pupils = but slow to react. Patient is normally aox2, somewhat verbal, and follows commands. History of a-fib and past CVA. vital signs all within normal limits. onset of symptoms appox. 3 hours.
Patient has left sided facial droop, cannot get her to grip hands or speak, or follow commands to check for arm drift. The staff is unsure if facial drooping is new or old onset (as patient has hx of cva). We decide to run it as a priority r/o stroke given the mental status decrease, inability to follow commands etc. This decision was coupled with the hx of a-fib which I know can cause clots to be thrown. The hospital threw a fuss at us and said it was probably just sepsis, but she didn't feel febrile to us. Anyways, given what i've told you, would you do the same? I felt running it as a priority was the right thing to do.
Patient has left sided facial droop, cannot get her to grip hands or speak, or follow commands to check for arm drift. The staff is unsure if facial drooping is new or old onset (as patient has hx of cva). We decide to run it as a priority r/o stroke given the mental status decrease, inability to follow commands etc. This decision was coupled with the hx of a-fib which I know can cause clots to be thrown. The hospital threw a fuss at us and said it was probably just sepsis, but she didn't feel febrile to us. Anyways, given what i've told you, would you do the same? I felt running it as a priority was the right thing to do.