Please tell me about Hall Ambulance

I was wondering if anbody has gone through the Hall EMT Academy? I am attending the orientation and was wondering what the next step after that was?
What is Medic Pay, does Hall Pay for Experience?
Here is the question about Hall, I know they have been around a while....... But how "secure" are they? Be a shame to see a great local EMS provider get bought out by AMR or some company like that seeking to take over the entire area.
Fish, if i remember right the county is divided into unique opperating areas. If someone wants out a company all the other areas have to agree on it. Hall has built his empire since 1971. Seems like he did something right. I doubt there would be any way for amr/rural metro to buy them.

Goalcoal, are you already an emt or not certified yet?
Hall is owned and has been owned by the Hall family since creation. The owner of Hall is Harvey Hall who is also the mayor of Bakersfield. I would say Hall Ambulance is very secure. On the other hand, AMR is on the downfall in many parts of California and on the verge of losing the majority of their contracts in Southern California. So I don't believe it would be AMR to take them over but crazier things have happened.
Goalcoal, welcome man! Academy is basically emt school from start to finnish. You show up in uniform and do classroom stuff for however long class is (cant remember) good luck
I don't think AMR will lose San Bernardino and Riverside counties when the time comes.
What is Medic pay, and do they pay for experience? Know a few Medics in SD who would love to know
I remember talking to a coworker who worked at hall about a year ago as an EMT. I don't remember the hourly wage but he was saying most medics were pulling in around $38000. The cost of living in Bakersfield and the surrounding area is going to be about half of what it costs in SD. So that money will go a little farther than it would down south.
I remember talking to a coworker who worked at hall about a year ago as an EMT. I don't remember the hourly wage but he was saying most medics were pulling in around $38000. The cost of living in Bakersfield and the surrounding area is going to be about half of what it costs in SD. So that money will go a little farther than it would down south.

Thanks for the response, I guess that is starting? I wonder if they pay for experience. I will have to email and ask
I don't work there. From what I recall, they have a step system. As you move up steps, you get hire pay. Step 1 was $12.88/hour for EMTs.
I was wondering if anbody has gone through the Hall EMT Academy? I am attending the orientation and was wondering what the next step after that was?

Hey man, how did your orientation go? and did you already finish the academy?