Play by Play

So heres the damage for my place..

My A/C, which was replaced brand new 1 1/2 weeks ago, has been my front yard.

The back door window broke out. Then the back door was repositioned to my kitchen.

There is a power pole in my front yard, with power lines laying on the ground.

And fence will have to be replaced. Most of it is laying in various spots ont the ground. Whats not on the ground, is sticking out of my roof.

So, I had wanted to get out of that lease anyway....and now I have a reason to do it.....I guess thats the bright side.

OH and my son will get MRE's. <_<
So I take it that you were renting the house you were living in? If so, are you really able to get out of the lease this way?

Wanna move to Sarasota? LOL
Originally posted by EMTPrincess@Jul 11 2005, 02:09 PM
So heres the damage for my place..

My A/C, which was replaced brand new 1 1/2 weeks ago, has been my front yard.

The back door window broke out. Then the back door was repositioned to my kitchen.

There is a power pole in my front yard, with power lines laying on the ground.

And fence will have to be replaced. Most of it is laying in various spots ont the ground. Whats not on the ground, is sticking out of my roof.

(this post is worthless without pics)

(meaning we want to see pics of damage)
Naples is much nicer... ;)

Princess, good luck on all the crap you're going to have to put up with these next few weeks. I know it's going to be a big fat pain in the ***. I wish I could help out some way but alas, all I can do is harass you here.
So, if you are renting then most of what you have described is your landlords responsibility. How did you fair with your personal items?

Glad to hear though that you and your family are safe. Most everything else can be either repaired or replaced.

My stuff, from what I could tell in the short amount of time I had to look, seems ok. I took most of my really precious stuff out and put it in my car.

Yes, most of it...well all of it...will be my landlords so its not so bad for me. I will just bunk at my moms until I can get alternate living arrangements.

I will get pictures done as soon as I can get off work long enough to snap a few and develop them.

Well the ER is overflowing with people today...and ambulances are lining the street to get their turn to drop their patients...we have 9 out there!

Good Grief!!!

Back to work...
Glad to hear you are ok.

I hope the ED quiets down soon.

I doubt that Jon...people who have never even touched a chainsaw are suddenly buying them and putting them into operation....people whose only exercise in their life was to walk from the couch to the beer cooler are now trying to cut down trees in their roofs and yards....

You guys no the deal...

Well in addition to the structural damage my sons Pet Rabbit died.
awww poor guy :(
Originally posted by EMTPrincess@Jul 13 2005, 07:38 AM
Well in addition to the structural damage my sons Pet Rabbit died.
Awww, poor rabbit, and poor son. :(
Sorry to hear about the rabbit. How's your son taking it?

And yes I know the deal about the saws and to further complicate things, those trees are already down probably in a twisted up mess and most of them will be more hazardous to cut, even for the experienced.