Pay raises coming for Wake County EMS workers


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RALEIGH, N.C. — Wake EMS workers will soon become the highest paid in the state. Hundreds of staffers will see a raise in their paychecks as soon as April.
Chris Colangelo, the EMS director for Wake County, sent a message to staff on Monday that the county wants to be an attractive employer, and raises will apply to more than 80 percent of EMS workers. Currently, EMTs make a minimum of $17.33 an hour — that'll increase to $20 an hour. Paramedics' earnings will increase from a minimum of $24.91 an hour to $28.13 and shift commanders will go from a minimum of $34.82 an hour to $37.43
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Still seems a little light to me, but good to see.
You also need to take into account the cost of living in NC, compared to the north east:
I assume this is related to staffing issues.

🙄I don't know what you could be referring to.... :rolleyes:
that's higher than quite a few counties in California. wow. good to see!
Love when departments put out back patting articles that tell on themselves that they underpay their staff.

And NC isnt as cheap as it used to be. That starting pay for a medic equates to 60k for NJ and only the most rural of NJ aencies are paying below 30/hr
Dang an Emt makes what I make as a medic before that raise, and I’m in socal fml.
Dang an Emt makes what I make as a medic before that raise, and I’m in socal fml.
sounds like a good reason to get out of SoCal ;)