Interesting. I say that a lot, as it is bland and unoffensive.
I come to this site mostly to read and learn, to see what mistakes others make and how to not make them myself. The site has changed since I began lurking; it seems as if there was some sort of pre- to postlapsarian event. I've noticed an attitude of discontent and have also noticed that some of the team members of the site have eroded their own legitimate authority. I'm not bound to this site in any way, so I don't have vested interest one way or other. When the members with which I most agree seem to have "troubles" with the site and its functions, I become wary. I have seen the four horsemen of the fora apocalypse before, and they were as magnificent as one might expect. Once, I was also part of a site which claimed to be a haven for the professionals of an industry, and I witnessed the professionals become discontent with the, shall I say, change in philosophy of the incoming members. Soon, many of the best members were not banned, but simply permanently deleted with no reasons given. New "features" were added to the site to make those more rebellious members regret being so.
I suppose that is neither here nor there. This site is not at that level, but some courses in interpersonal and group dynamics would not be amiss, especially for some of the leadership. I personally think sites work better when bans are not so "mysterious" and otherwise inspissated; that's just my personal feeling and has nothing to reinforce it. I also believe that the whole "community council/whateverelseissupposedtomakeitbetter" is somewhat silly and not much of replacement for fair and accurate leadership.
The changes happening are really unfortunate, and I can't say where they'll go. My main use for this site is as a source of attitude correction and enhancement. Unlike some, I am not much concerned in the social/networking part of the site, so my views may not be the norm. I haven't been making many posts lately (or ever, for that matter), and hopefully my lack of interest won't grow in the future.
A good new year to everyone.