Off Duty Aid


Level 25 EMS Wizard
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I saw this thread on and thought it was worth mentioning. It's about an off duty FF/farm worker that died while giving aid. He was only half covered by insurance. Read the story on the thread:

When offering aid while off duty, check your local laws and company insurance policies. What if you get railed by a car while on a highway? What if you get blood or some other bodily fluid in your eye or on broken skin? Know what you're covered for before you play hero.
Simple answer, if you aren't dispatched nor on the clock at, you aren't covered. It's like saying that a mechanic or tow truck driver falls under their company's insurance if something happens while jumping a car outside of work. Why would anyone consider their company responsible for injuries received while not at work?
Why would anyone consider their company responsible for injuries received while not at work?

Because we are Life Savers man! (Hero type not the candy)

We are ALWAYS on duty, ours is the most noble profession, it is a calling which few people answer. We are the guardians of the world!

Those other professions ain't got nothing on us!
If you choose to engage in risky behaviors, you may encounter risk. <shrug>
Ok I am deluding myselfand merely projecting my wishes to be fat free lol. I'm still delicious though. :P
Simple answer, if you aren't dispatched nor on the clock at, you aren't covered. It's like saying that a mechanic or tow truck driver falls under their company's insurance if something happens while jumping a car outside of work. Why would anyone consider their company responsible for injuries received while not at work?

The employer would set the policy. I would guess that a minicipal EMS employee, or perhaps a private under contract for 911, would conisder off duty convered but I am not certain.

There is a difference between jump starting a car and rendering CPR.

Also, worker's compensation is paid regardless of fault or responsibility. If someone is considered on duty they are covered.
I skimmed the article.

It seems as if the issue was WHICH worker's compenastion carrier would pay, the farm, or the fire they shared it?

The person injured was covered regardless?