No reaper, not kidding. Look at the studies that have been done. How much help is an EMT-P compared to an EMT-I. How many people die every year as a result of mistakes by EMT-I's? Probably way less than the people they save.
Does ALS care make that big of a difference? Studies say not!
Doing this brings advanced care to people in need. Far better than doing nothing.
How much intelligence does it take for someone to initiate a peripheral IV? Not much.
How about administer D-50 for a diabetic with altered mental status? Glucagon? Phenergan, when they get sick?
Come on, EMS is NOT rocket science. Even as medics, we carry very basic drugs when you look at the big picture. Training someone to use them safely can easily be done in 400 hours or less.
That's why we have on-line medical direction. If you don't remember a dose, ask!
I should qualify what I said, medics in my area only have 16 medications. Our scope of practice is behind other states. If you work in a state that is different, then my statements do not apply to you.