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Hey all. I am new to I just had the last day of my EMT-B class today, and passed my final. I am looking at doing the national registry as soon as I possible can. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fully perpare for it? Any hints or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch! B)
just study, don't read to far into the question and go with your gut. It's all on you.
Start by using the SEARCH function.

Has anybody told you about the optional EMTLIFE insurance plan, timeshare registry, funeral fund, polo club...naw, have a good time here at the zoo!;)
Has anybody told you about the optional EMTLIFE insurance plan, timeshare registry, funeral fund, polo club...naw, have a good time here at the zoo!;)

Of course it is managed by the law firm of Dewey, Cheatem and Howe. :D

R/r 911

Welcome aboard and good luck with NREMT

not to thread hijack but I am also I newbie...I'm a volunteer firefighter and most recently a first responder

Got a wife in college but once she's out I'm gonna go back to school and get my RN, until then I'm just gonna help when I can in the volunteer aspect and grow my knowledge in the field
Thanks for all who responded. My class just ended last friday, so it will be about 2 weeks before I can take the National Registry. I just got hired on my local volunteer fire station, and they let me ride along with the ambulance crew. I am just slightly nervous about taking the exam, but I am sure that i will do just fine. I was almost the top of my class by less than 1% so I am sure that I will do just fine. Since I did not introduce myself, I am 18 years old. Graduation for high school is on the 31st. My future goals are to become a paramedic, then to RN. In the end, i want to work on the medical helicopters. Any ideas on the best way to get to that? Thanks for all who have responded. fire1055. good luck with going back for your RN!!! :-)
as an emt student can u really get a job with the fire dept. or do u need any more training than just your emt-b ???
In the eyes of the typical Fire Rescue Dept, EMT-B's are a dime a dozen. Many depts will include a full EMT curriculum, and some won't even require EMT prior to hire. Getting hired in these tough economic times is challenging. You'll need your medic. Check out the Fairfax hiring thread on