Hey everyone!!
Just looking for a good place to hang out and to learn everything I can!!
Some info on me
Im 20 y/o my bday is Dec30th!!
Im attending EMT class next semester, I plant to become a Paramedic then move onto FireFighter.
I ride a bike and drive a 4runner, I love to work on anything and everything I love to invent things tear things apart put them back together (preferably working).
I LOVE to listen to people to talk and most of all to LEARN from people who have been where I am and have advice.
A lot of young people now days want to learn everything the hard way, if someone has been where I am and done the same thing and it turned out bad I will just listen to them =P
Once I turn 21 I will be Concealed Carrying Weapon. Was just wondering if any EMT/Paramedics carry? Obviously not on duty. I dont carry because I feel I need it, just rather have it and not need it then need and not have.
I live in Virginia about 5minutes from DC!
Hope this is a nice place!!!
Anything you want to know about me let me know!!
Move on to Firefighter... wow I'm starting to realise why certain people on this forum, or rather, who
used to be on this forum, blew their tops on a regular basis. Mate, look..I don't know you, so maybe I'm being unfair. But a paramedic is responsible for the lives and well being of their patients and regularly performs procedures requiring masters level education or even an MD in any other country/health care professions. You do not
move up to running around with a hose playing towering inferno. The travesty is that it is actually viewed that way in many parts of America, and that's not your fault, but don't fall victim to that ignorant idea.
Yeah I plan to Ace EMT, when it comes to the medical field I dont really play around I want to be a great Paramedic...
I never want to look back and be like if I studied just a little harder I would have remember about *whatever* and been able to save that guy or w/e
You've made a few comments like this that are encouraging. Have a look around and read a bit about some medical issues on sites like medscape (1) and the Emergency medicine section of emedicine (2). JEMS (3) and EMS1 (4) can provide you with a bit of the low down on topics of interest in EMS. If you find yourself more interested in the "products" section of EMS1 than the Emergency Medicine section of medscape after some reading and extensive consideration, don't become a medical professional.
A paramedic isn't (unfortunately it often is in the US, although it shouldn't be) a firefighter with a stethoscope and some drugs.
I caught the medicine bug in high school biology which was very (and oddly) clinically focused. Think about what draws you to EMS. If its lights, sirens, glory, money or equipment - just become a firefighter and leave the medicine to people who like medicine. There's no shame in admitting it and the people who would have been your patients will thank you.