<--- New guy right here!! =P

Ok so some more info sorry didnt add all of it lol

I am going to college for EMS and they do offer ALS classes I am not sure if it is actually getting me paramedic certified or ready for the test I will ask about that.

I know EMT's dont get paid much but thats not why Im doing it.

Paramedics do get paid pretty good though correct? If I take that route as a career I want to be able to make my bills.

First of all being "paid well" is highly subjective, paramedics make enough for their wives/husbands to still maintain a full-time position themselves in order to afford the American dream.
MA also means Medical Assistant... I'm not sure why you would need to carry a concealed firearm off-duty... The problem with this field, there are many of the same abbreviations that mean different things depending on the context it is used in, so be very careful... :)

btw... Happy Birthday

I know a few terms still learning them all, I dont need to carry I just want to.
Im taking it that RN makes more then Paramedic?

How much training is required for RN after you become a paramedic?

I figured that was almost a completely different field...well to a extent any way.

RN license is 4 years of schooling although some people will tell you it's 2 which is half-true. 2 years of prerequisites followed by a 2 year nursing program = 4 years. There are paramedic to RN programs available although i personally don't know anything about them.
First of all being "paid well" is highly subjective, paramedics make enough for their wives/husbands to still maintain a full-time position themselves in order to afford the American dream.

Very good point. By paid well I mean being able to afford a house payment, bills, the usual without having to worry about if I will enough money to make it to the next paycheck .
RN license is 4 years of schooling although some people will tell you it's 2 which is half-true. 2 years of prerequisites followed by a 2 year nursing program = 4 years. There are paramedic to RN programs available although i personally don't know anything about them.

Ok thanks! If I decide not to go the FireFighter route I might check that out. My gf is going to school for nursing. Well about to start anyway.
Ok thanks! If I decide not to go the FireFighter route I might check that out. My gf is going to school for nursing. Well about to start anyway.

yeah the thing to remember when relating nursing to EMS is that there are many fields in which an RN can work. If you're like me (Adrenaline Junky) then you will most likely work in an ER or ICU with an RN license which pays upwards of $30/ hour. At least here in California.
yeah the thing to remember when relating nursing to EMS is that there are many fields in which an RN can work. If you're like me (Adrenaline Junky) then you will most likely work in an ER or ICU with an RN license which pays upwards of $30/ hour. At least here in California.

Wow nice how much does paramedic pay?

Just general range Im guessing not near 30 a hour? Im taking a shot in the dark 20?
The problem with giving an estimate on medic wages is that it varies so drastically company to company. Here in california you can expect to make anywhere from 60-90k annually which is a pretty drastic range. It all depends on your company.
The problem with giving an estimate on medic wages is that it varies so drastically company to company. Here in california you can expect to make anywhere from 60-90k annually which is a pretty drastic range. It all depends on your company.

Generally this range of 60-90k annually is if you are medic with the fire dept., private companies vary, but generally for a new paramedic... you are looking at $18-$20/hr to start or about half of what you would make as fire/medic.
Generally this range of 60-90k annually is if you are medic with the fire dept., private companies vary, but generally for a new paramedic... you are looking at $18-$20/hr to start or about half of what you would make as fire/medic.

AMR's Basics start out at 18 for day shift and 20 for night shift so i would say that's a bit low. Of course other companies are as low as 10.50/hr for a basic. Like i said it's all dependent upon the company you work for and emt1972 is 100% correct in saying about half of fire/medic but then again who wants to pull hose and put out fires??? Not to mention be the butt of all EMS jokes.
Starting rate for AMR basics depends on what county your in, my county starting is about $17. I have medic friends that work my county and their pay is crap as well, almost not worth the time and effort to go medic school... sad to say, that is why I changed course and decided to go with nursing.
i also just got my MA ticket earlier this month but i go to school in Louisiana (im 19) and im looking to apply for reciprocity in january and obviously i have to take the NREMT. How was it compared to the MA and if you dont mind me asking what region did you look into for jobs in MA. Im looking to apply for a job when i return home in May.

I think that the NREMT was slightly more difficult, if only that you aren't able to "mark" questions and go back to them later. Same advice that I have for the MA test. If you pay attention in class, you should do fine. I am currently looking for the North Shore area, which I believe is region 3 (not sure).
I think that the NREMT was slightly more difficult, if only that you aren't able to "mark" questions and go back to them later. Same advice that I have for the MA test. If you pay attention in class, you should do fine. I am currently looking for the North Shore area, which I believe is region 3 (not sure).

okay thanks. Im also in northshore area. But im not sure whos hiring now. I wouldnt be able to start until may so maybe they will be hiring around then.
Starting rate for AMR basics depends on what county your in, my county starting is about $17. I have medic friends that work my county and their pay is crap as well, almost not worth the time and effort to go medic school... sad to say, that is why I changed course and decided to go with nursing.

Sadly im starting to think twice.... :wacko:

Just dunno now, like I dont need to be paid top class but something good...

I can make 10.50 working at mickey d's
Sadly im starting to think twice.... :wacko:

Just dunno now, like I dont need to be paid top class but something good...

I can make 10.50 working at mickey d's

well think about it this way, In Micky D's you cant save lives, infact your probably contributing to killing lives haha :rolleyes:

EMT's are generally a Starting block for alot of Medical Professionals, very few stay for a long time, even if you do, its not like your gonna be stuck at $10.50 every year, there are pay raises.

but if your looking to make a quick buck, better to go to school for a few years and be an RN or an MD

and like i said before, if your being an EMT for the money, u might as while not become one
but if your looking to make a quick buck, better to go to school for a few years and be an RN or an MD

I've never heard the terms "quick buck" and "be an MD" in the same sentence :P
I've never heard the terms "quick buck" and "be an MD" in the same sentence :P

hahah well as in quick buck, i mean after a 1000 years of school/residency :-)
Hey everyone!!

Just looking for a good place to hang out and to learn everything I can!!

Some info on me

Im 20 y/o my bday is Dec30th!!
Im attending EMT class next semester, I plant to become a Paramedic then move onto FireFighter.

I ride a bike and drive a 4runner, I love to work on anything and everything I love to invent things tear things apart put them back together (preferably working).

I LOVE to listen to people to talk and most of all to LEARN from people who have been where I am and have advice.

A lot of young people now days want to learn everything the hard way, if someone has been where I am and done the same thing and it turned out bad I will just listen to them =P

Once I turn 21 I will be Concealed Carrying Weapon. Was just wondering if any EMT/Paramedics carry? Obviously not on duty. I dont carry because I feel I need it, just rather have it and not need it then need and not have.

I live in Virginia about 5minutes from DC!

Hope this is a nice place!!!

Anything you want to know about me let me know!!

Move on to Firefighter... wow I'm starting to realise why certain people on this forum, or rather, who used to be on this forum, blew their tops on a regular basis. Mate, look..I don't know you, so maybe I'm being unfair. But a paramedic is responsible for the lives and well being of their patients and regularly performs procedures requiring masters level education or even an MD in any other country/health care professions. You do not move up to running around with a hose playing towering inferno. The travesty is that it is actually viewed that way in many parts of America, and that's not your fault, but don't fall victim to that ignorant idea.

Yeah I plan to Ace EMT, when it comes to the medical field I dont really play around I want to be a great Paramedic...

I never want to look back and be like if I studied just a little harder I would have remember about *whatever* and been able to save that guy or w/e

You've made a few comments like this that are encouraging. Have a look around and read a bit about some medical issues on sites like medscape (1) and the Emergency medicine section of emedicine (2). JEMS (3) and EMS1 (4) can provide you with a bit of the low down on topics of interest in EMS. If you find yourself more interested in the "products" section of EMS1 than the Emergency Medicine section of medscape after some reading and extensive consideration, don't become a medical professional.

A paramedic isn't (unfortunately it often is in the US, although it shouldn't be) a firefighter with a stethoscope and some drugs.

I caught the medicine bug in high school biology which was very (and oddly) clinically focused. Think about what draws you to EMS. If its lights, sirens, glory, money or equipment - just become a firefighter and leave the medicine to people who like medicine. There's no shame in admitting it and the people who would have been your patients will thank you.

(1) http://www.medscape.com/medscapetoday
(2) http://emedicine.medscape.com/emergency_medicine
(3) http://www.jems.com/index.html
(4) http://www.ems1.com/
(3) http://www.ems1.com/
Sadly im starting to think twice.... :wacko:

Just dunno now, like I dont need to be paid top class but something good...

I can make 10.50 working at mickey d's

It all depends on which area of the country you decide to work in, the cost of living in that area, and the tax rate in the locality/state you choose.

I'll give you an example... I live in florida.. where there is no income tax and depending on where in florida the cost of living can be very inexpensive, all the way up to shelling out 1100 bucks a month for a closet in miami beach. There are no state or local income taxes here.. basic pay ranges from 8 bucks an hour.. all the way up to the 48k a year my dept starts emt's at. Benefits weigh into that also. If you work for a private company you might be lucky to get some type of health insurance but you can kiss half your paycheck goodbye... you MIGHT get a 401k and good luck with a company match.. or you could end up working for a city or county dept that pays for your healthcare and gives you a 25 year pension.

Dont get discouraged.. just be the best EMT you can, and the best medic you can, get as much experience as you can, and shop around. Find the agency that suits you best, and fits what you're looking for as far as pay, experience to be had, benefits, and call volume.

I went from making minimum wage (4 something an hour at the time)as an EMT to making close to 70k last year as a medic with very little overtime (we work 24/48's) so its not all doom and gloom. Work hard and study hard and you'll get there!