<--- New guy right here!! =P

Words of wisdom.
Move on to Firefighter... wow I'm starting to realise why certain people on this forum, or rather, who used to be on this forum, blew their tops on a regular basis. Mate, look..I don't know you, so maybe I'm being unfair. But a paramedic is responsible for the lives and well being of their patients and regularly performs procedures requiring masters level education or even an MD in any other country/health care professions. You do not move up to running around with a hose playing towering inferno. The travesty is that it is actually viewed that way in many parts of America, and that's not your fault, but don't fall victim to that ignorant idea.

Words of wisdom.

I have many things going though my head.

First - Suburban DC, espicially in MD, has a LOAD of volunteer Fire Companies that will train you to be a firefighter and or EMT, usually at little or no cost to you. Worth looking into.

You say you live 5 minutes outside of DC... and want to carry a concealed weapon? Be VERY careful that you remain in VA with that firearm, and don't go to DC. DC v. Heller might be decided... but the right of the people is very much infringed in the District of Columbia. Just throwing that out there. There are more than enough threads on carrying on and off duty... so lets not turn this thread into that argument.

As for pay rates... I know cost of living in the capital area is obscene. I don't know what various companies pay... It may look good on paper... but will almost definitely not be enough. What I make in PA is different that you'll get down there... even if you work for my company's DC base.
I wish Basics in my area made 10.50/hr... Our basics start out at 8.50 and move on up. Some guys are happy to stay Basic, seeing as the average income in my county is about $20,000 a year. Yes, we're all poor.

To put it in perspective-- I work per diem (I'm also a CNA) in a few nursing homes, making 8.50 an hour. A friend of mine washes dishes in the kitchen; she makes 10.50.
Nice to meet you. There is a wealth of knoweledge here, and you can learn alot here. People here are nice and always willing to help. Good luck and look forward to hearing from you again.