need advice

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Oh, dear FSM... the horror of that run on sentence.

Alsfyre: yep. I've noticed that too.

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Ever notice the newer you are, the more "oh my God emergent!!" things seem?

Yup. I threw up the first time I was ever faced with bleeding on a large scale (just before I took my first responder training).
Ever notice the newer you are, the more "oh my God emergent!!" things seem? ;)

It's probably a AAA along with increased ICP from a massive hemorrhagic stroke in addition to a perforated bowel...screw it, let's toss in a thyroid storm and HHNC in there as well :ph34r:

On second thought, perhaps she just had some sort of flu?
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My working diagnosis is dramaitis, acute. She's 21, she's got a myraid of bizarre symptoms, and she's otherwise stable upon assessment. Where was she located, and where is the boyfriend that just dumped her?
For my area EMTs and medics do not do temperature or bowel sounds.

It's not considered a vital sign (for us) and we don't carry anything to measure tempature with.

:excl: ..... but it IS a vital sign.
It's not considered a vital sign (for us) and we don't carry anything to measure tempature with.

A common attitude for EMS agencies unfortunately. Temp can tell you a heck of a lot though.
A pre eclamptic or ectopic pregnancy probably not. The signs aren't there. I don't get too concerned about temp until it gets over 100 - 101f or about 39c. What would be nice to know is the hx of bowel movements & sounds, eating patterns and how many missed periods. Not that that is going to tell you a lot.
Since I doubt you have a pair of the new, (comming to a drug store near you), X-Ray, CT,Doppler, Ultrasound glasses. Take her to the hosp. and let them figure it out.
I am thinking GI, maybe pelvic inflammatory disease or a UTI?? Was she sexually active? Pain on urination? Did she feel hot to the touch?
I agree with taking a temp, though I am Impartial to basics trying to get bowel sounds. Or even medics for that matter.

How would you "try" to get bowel sounds? Wouldn't you either listen to them or not?

I do a full assessment on every patient who needs more than a once over. If the standard is a full assessment, you're more likely to catch hidden clues and not overlook things. If you do a full assessment on every patient than you will be in good practice and will be able to do it quickly.
more info

i do a full assessment on any not life threatening patient that needs one,0000 full assess are not always useable as they are not needed. well i am not actually a newbie to being an emt i have been one for 3 years and was running on an ambulance for 6 years b4 that so i have had my experiences on an ambulance.
I was just asking for advice and wondering if i waz anywhere near right so sorry for wanting to chat with fellow ems personel. she was not being dramatic or trying to get drugs it was not gi she was not octopic. It was not just any patient it was best friend who has a history of pregnancy problems like a ruptured ovarion tube, 2 miscariages and she was 2 and a half weeks late and has never been late except when she was pregnant those two times. this was a call and i had come home from it and was waiting to go to the hospital to see her. she still has not gotten any blood tests back as they take more time to process.
i was talking to her last night after my shift and got talking bout stuff i couldnt find out on the rig due to time restraints and her bowels were normal and she has been extremelly sexually active for the past month and a half and it was no std the tests already came back and there no drug use involved either. any further questions or concerns feel free to reply with them and i will be glad to answer them. thank u and be safe out there.
its ok i understand and thank you for trying you were actually nice and were trying thank you and good luck and this is to amber
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To the OP and Amber. As I mentioned in another thread when you put stuff out on the board expect it to be picked apart, sometimes bluntly. I apologize if I personally offended either of you but I will say a thick skin will serve you well in this business. If you chose to stick around you'll learn a hell of a lot.
It's not considered a vital sign (for us) and we don't carry anything to measure tempature with.

Ever look in a Cal Fire drug box?, they have tympanic thermos in there, I usually ask for them to take one if it seems appropriate.
Ever look in a Cal Fire drug box?, they have tympanic thermos in there, I usually ask for them to take one if it seems appropriate.

So you can find out what the temp is outside?! LoL those tympanics are worthless :p Better than nothing I guess ;)
EMTBDOLESHAL, I don't think I was alone knowing this was for a friend.

We aren't E-MED or WIKIPEDIA, and the results of people trying to augment their personal diagnoses through posing scenarios are usually not pleasant because it is personal.

Two Rules of Thumb: bellies are not for EMT-B's, and friends are not for treating except for obvious basic measures awaiting the ambulance. Do not let aquaintances lure you into being their "medical friends" or enablers. Pass them on to licensed superior medical authority. Sorry. I wish you and your friend the best of luck.
It was not just any patient it was best friend who has a history
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