N.J.A.C. 8:40A Regulations

OK, my apologies, I googled, and ended up with SOUTH Plainfield.
You should look into consolidating with local agencies to reduce overhead costs, as well as combining dispatch centers, to reduce dispatch costs.
A good PR presentation to the City Fathers could help wake them up.

Also, combining collection agencies could result in more revenue...

Good luck man.

With the elections coming up in November we hope to change the trend and the stronghold one certain assembly person has on the offices in our city. Dispatch is through PD so we don't have to handle it. In addition to that we have trouble recruiting due to the violent and "dangerous" environment we serve. Also you read the S. Plainfield page, they're a much more affluent community that we are.
With the elections coming up in November we hope to change the trend and the stronghold one certain assembly person has on the offices in our city. Dispatch is through PD so we don't have to handle it. In addition to that we have trouble recruiting due to the violent and "dangerous" environment we serve. Also you read the S. Plainfield page, they're a much more affluent community that we are.

Why not combine North, South, and you guys?
Plainfield Regional EMS....

Nevermind, thats a smart idea..

Why not combine North, South, and you guys?
Plainfield Regional EMS....

Nevermind, thats a smart idea..


We were allready planning on taking over North through slowly taking over their officer positions (we have a few who hold dual membership) And we just don't like SPRS so we decided against taking them over.

And as you said that would be a smart idea.

P.S. you should go to the chatroom (on the menu bar second from left) now that you have enough posts
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Ya may not like em, but if thats where the tax base is....:wub:
If I remember correct, then good ol Jon Corzine should be offering incentives for combining services. Perhaps your Ossifers should look into that.
Combine Fire, PD, and EMS services, as well as dispatch, you will save the tax payers some money.
We wouldn't mind, except that would give the city govt. more control. It would be a difficult process since we're an independent org.
You won't get volunteer services to mix together. They like there pride.
50 years of tradition, unimpeded by progress...
So, Some other NJ EMT's may have noticed the following in their inbox today, I thought this was rather interesting.

The bolded part I found rather interesting. Do any other states do this?

NYS you're allowed to carry EpiPens and Atropine.
Hooooly crap......:blink:

Now, if they can just get the First Grade Council dissolved, all BLS ambulances on par with each other, eg same equipment, same inspection process, and oh yea, 2 EMTs on it at all times!
No more of this one EMT and one driver crap. :rolleyes::angry:

BLS - I've only worked transport in NJ (and special events) I was flabbergasted when I found out about the First Aid Council and the double standard.

50 years of tradition, unimpeded by progress...
Not JUST in NJ... but they do tend to have a lot of that. Heck...volunteer co's in general have a lot of that.
Don't Be a Hater Now...

Why is every ALS user getting all fussy over BLS crews being able to place esophageal tubes and multilumen tubes in *dead* patients. While it is true that it is possible to wind up doing an ETI with a combitube, it is NOT possible with an LMA. And it's hard to say that we aren't trained well enough to do it, since EMT-I's are allowed to do it and they are pretty far from paramedic level. I admit that there are some incompetent EMT's, more at the basic level than the paramedic level. But in my neck of the woods, paramedics are few and far between. My neighbor died last week and when the paramedics arrived it was WAY too late (god bless them though they were rushing like hell). I just think that if BLS was not skilled enough to put a tube in, it would not be allowed in all of the states that it is. I guess within the next year we will see whether this legislation will have positive or negative gains.
Why is every ALS user getting all fussy over BLS crews being able to place esophageal tubes and multilumen tubes in *dead* patients. While it is true that it is possible to wind up doing an ETI with a combitube, it is NOT possible with an LMA. And it's hard to say that we aren't trained well enough to do it, since EMT-I's are allowed to do it and they are pretty far from paramedic level. I admit that there are some incompetent EMT's, more at the basic level than the paramedic level. But in my neck of the woods, paramedics are few and far between. My neighbor died last week and when the paramedics arrived it was WAY too late (god bless them though they were rushing like hell). I just think that if BLS was not skilled enough to put a tube in, it would not be allowed in all of the states that it is. I guess within the next year we will see whether this legislation will have positive or negative gains.

Let's not turn this into another ALS vs BLS thread. Please do a search for basics intubating, as this topic has been discussed here previously (and to death).