My Partner flipped out today.


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Okay, now that that's been cleaned up...

Let's stay on topic.


Forum Crew Member
I used to have a partner that I worked with out of respect & scheduling ease. I learned a ton from her but she would always complain about my driving, second guess me on things, refusing to downgrade even the simple nose bleed type calls. (ie, possible hypothermic patient that I'm evaluating while she gets more information & I report a bp of 180/120 and she asks me if I'm sure... No, I'm making it up.) What happened to the old rule that if you don't trust your partner's findings, its time to get a new partner? Here nor there, I finally got so frustrated that I rather the hassle of scheduling nightmares over working with her. It's nice to work with other people that actually know you're worth in the back.

I'm glad that you kissed & made up with your partner, but I'm not sure working with someone that treats you without any respect is ever the way to go.


Forum Asst. Chief
I've had partners like this, the worst though was actually an FTO. I was riding with him for about 3 weeks and he is into a bunch of side things. He's very spiritual and has a business (kinda like a pyramid scheme thing) that he does on the side. So he was always peddling this business on to me, we had just one day where everything boiled over, we always kept it out of sight of patients. But if I did something he didn't approve of he would shoot me this look, it was always subtle and was directed when no one (or when he thought no one would look).

Well this particular day it was as if everything just exploded, on multiple occasions I have told him that I am not religious and to not include me with his prayer, he would listen to a christian talk station while driving, no biggie I usually read when I'm not driving. That day though, he broke all the rules we had set out regarding pestering me about his business, his prayer, and other things that we agreed were not the best thigns to talk about. We got into a huge fight about it in the truck on the way to a stand-by. We actually diverted back to station so he could speak to the supervisors face to face without me there. I was worried because he was my FTO and i thought "welp there I go, time to look for a new job"

turns out he released me so 'he wouldn't have to deal with my :censored::censored::censored::censored: anymore".....Was just a very uncomfortable situation, as we had dealt with what our boundries were then he just breaks them all.


Forum Probie
First let me tell you about my partner... he's one of those very loud talkers, whiners, *****er, complainer, and always talking :censored::censored::censored::censored: to me in front of Hospital Staff and Pt's.
But I put up with it because generally he’s knowledgeable from 15 years in the business.

Well today was just going along swimmingly... until I say something.

We are unloading a Pt at his nursing home, and my partner ALWAYS like to be behind pushing the gurney, so I say "I see you running for the back".
He very loudly says "You need to :censored::censored::censored::censored:ing check your attitude" right in front of the pt and people standing in front of the nursing home!!
I saw the look in the Pt's eyes; it was as if he just lost all confidence in us.
Later on.. inside as we are about to sheet drag the pt to his bed my partner makes some more very unprofessional comments.
We stay very quiet on the ride to our next call, I get out of the ambulance and close the door a little hard and proceed to the rear of the rig where I'm met by my partner, he gets in my face and stats yelling about "If I ever slam his door again".
I stay calm and tell him he’s being very unprofessional in front of pt and the public. He then looks around and is still yelling at me while he says "who's around NO ONE". There were about 10 people in front of the Dialysis Center watching my partner yelling at me while in my face.

Then we get the gurney and go pick up our pt. in the dialysis center.
I see my pt. on o2 (which she never is) and I began questioning her and the staff as to what happened. My partner steps between me and the pt. and begins questioning her with the same questions I just asked.

Some more stuff happened that day but I’ll skip to the end.

While on our trip to the Station I text our Scheduling lady to tell her to give me a new partner because we weren’t getting along.

We arrive at the station my partner parks the rig and runs into the dispatch center (where our supervisor is) but before he goes in the door I say “I’m not going to rat on you, don’t rat on me. He yells “What??.... What?” and gets in my face again IN THE STATION.

Turns out the Scheduling lady notified our supervisors and I was forced to write a UO (Unusual Occurrence)… basically ratting him out.

So…. It looks like we both have a new partner tomorrow…. I can’t wait to see what happens.

I believe I handled myself quite well and I’m being 100% truthful.… but there’s always 3 sides to a story.

I just needed to vent... and this is a "Did That Just Happen?" lol

sounds like your partner is burnt out and needs a career change.


Forum Asst. Chief
I've had partners like this, the worst though was actually an FTO. I was riding with him for about 3 weeks and he is into a bunch of side things. He's very spiritual and has a business (kinda like a pyramid scheme thing) that he does on the side. So he was always peddling this business on to me, we had just one day where everything boiled over, we always kept it out of sight of patients. But if I did something he didn't approve of he would shoot me this look, it was always subtle and was directed when no one (or when he thought no one would look).

Well this particular day it was as if everything just exploded, on multiple occasions I have told him that I am not religious and to not include me with his prayer, he would listen to a christian talk station while driving, no biggie I usually read when I'm not driving. That day though, he broke all the rules we had set out regarding pestering me about his business, his prayer, and other things that we agreed were not the best thigns to talk about. We got into a huge fight about it in the truck on the way to a stand-by. We actually diverted back to station so he could speak to the supervisors face to face without me there. I was worried because he was my FTO and i thought "welp there I go, time to look for a new job"

turns out he released me so 'he wouldn't have to deal with my :censored::censored::censored::censored: anymore".....Was just a very uncomfortable situation, as we had dealt with what our boundries were then he just breaks them all.

It's always the overly religious ones who try to convert you no matter what...


Forum Probie
I've had partners like this, the worst though was actually an FTO. I was riding with him for about 3 weeks and he is into a bunch of side things. He's very spiritual and has a business (kinda like a pyramid scheme thing) that he does on the side. So he was always peddling this business on to me, we had just one day where everything boiled over, we always kept it out of sight of patients. But if I did something he didn't approve of he would shoot me this look, it was always subtle and was directed when no one (or when he thought no one would look).

Well this particular day it was as if everything just exploded, on multiple occasions I have told him that I am not religious and to not include me with his prayer, he would listen to a christian talk station while driving, no biggie I usually read when I'm not driving. That day though, he broke all the rules we had set out regarding pestering me about his business, his prayer, and other things that we agreed were not the best thigns to talk about. We got into a huge fight about it in the truck on the way to a stand-by. We actually diverted back to station so he could speak to the supervisors face to face without me there. I was worried because he was my FTO and i thought "welp there I go, time to look for a new job"

turns out he released me so 'he wouldn't have to deal with my :censored::censored::censored::censored: anymore".....Was just a very uncomfortable situation, as we had dealt with what our boundries were then he just breaks them all.

I had a bunch of partners like that.


Forum Probie
I can't take people in my face like that. This is where I wonder how 10 years of dealing with things on a construction site will affect me. I can recognize a chain of command, and respect it. But things are just handled a little different in the construction field. I'm sure some of you know.

I think you did well. But I would have opted for a good old fashioned knuckle sandwich when we got back to the station. If I was wrong, I deserve to be chewed out. But DO NOT embarrass me in public. Like others said, it paints a very unprofessional image in the public's eye.

best of luck Monday!


Forum Crew Member
sounds like your partner is burnt out and needs a career change.

Maybe, but we became really good friends afterwards. I learned a lot from him.

Many months later I resigned from the company for personal reasons... about a week later he resigned as well. I do hope to go back once I get sh** straightened out.


Forum Crew Member
god its so interesting that kind of people you come across in your working enviroment! you just have to chew him out in front of co workers and not patients. and reiterate the importance of patient's trust. i've had a boss try and feel me up in front of his wife! of course that was in the restaraunt business where there is no Human Resource Department. i have a friend who works in a hospital where her manager/ guy who is training her confronted her about why it was hard for her to learn from him by asking her " god you act like your one of those women who was like sexually abused as a kid and is scared of a man's opinion" "you dont take criticism well...were you abused?" she just stared at him like did he really just say that? after that day she has started documenting everything he says out of line and tries to be in a room with him only when other people are do you go to HR and prove what a sicko your manager is? people are crazy!