

Forum Ride Along
There may already be a thread involving this, but which kind of monitors do most use? Also which do you prefer?
We currently use a Lifepak 12, but we are testing out new Welch Allyn Pic's
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There are several good ones out there, each has its good and bad qualities. I like Philco, LP's 12, and personally dislike anything with MRL and Zoll on it.

R/r 911
we currently use the zoll p series, and they work really well, except theyre super heavy. (useless NIBP compressor amongst other things). Before we used the LP 12's and i loved them.
lifepak 12 as well
Both services I work for Use the Zoll M Series Cardiac Monitor. I love it. It's the best one out there as far as I'm concerned.

I've used LP 5, LP 12, Marquette, and Phillips.

The Zoll M is just a superior machine.
Zoll M here as well. When we were looking for a new monitor after having the LP 10's, we tried the LP12's and the Zoll M's, and overall, everyone here preferred the Zoll's over the LP 12's.
We use LP12's, and LP10's as our backup monitor... My father was on a business trip out to Physio in Seattle to meet with the R&D teams there about the upcoming LP15...

Hijacking the thread here for a moment: What other features would you like to see in your monitor?

Are there any monitors on the market that use Bluetooth for transmitting EKGs?
Currently, we use a cable and transmit it through our Unit Nextel phones which isn't the most reliable service out there.
Actually, LP 12 have bluetooth capability.

R/r 911
How do you guys like transmitting with LP12? We are not hospital based, but our closest hospital that we always transport to just bought us a welch allyn to try the transmitting and it is one of the simplist things i have ever done.
Personally, we interpret all of out ECG's including 12 leads. According to our cardiologist, in comparison, our medics has a higher percentage of accurate ECG interpretation then many of the Doc's.

I know of a larger EMS that uses the blue tooth on the LP 12 for ability of transmission, for only confirmation of STEMI Alert for cath lab alert. Apparently the only problems I have heard of is a slight delay, and of course similar to cell phone, low tower ranges.

R/r 911
We also interpret our own ecgs and 12 leads in the field, but the hospital doesn't always listen to us, or believe us so they would rather us send them in if we see signs of infarct or ischemia so that way they can send them to the cardiologist on call and improve the door to cath lab time.
The service I am full-time with uses the Zoll M-series. Having used most of the current monitors on the market I prefer the LP 12. I find it much easier to use and there seems to be much less artifact regardless of electrode.
I know of a larger EMS that uses the blue tooth on the LP 12 for ability of transmission, for only confirmation of STEMI Alert for cath lab alert. Apparently the only problems I have heard of is a slight delay, and of course similar to cell phone, low tower ranges.

R/r 911

The only times we transmit EKG's is for STEMI Pts, if we have time... Most of our transports are only 10 minutes tops
We have the LP12s. We have blue tooth that we transmit our STEMIs with after we read them. The Zoll M series SUX.