Medic Students!!!

We have pt assessment tomorrow and Wednesday. We then have our Pharmocology test next Sat. After the Pharm test they are combining my medic class with the medic class behind us when they go over 12leads so we A) get refreshers and B ) Help the new students.

After that Saturday class, we get 2 weeks off, 1 day of review, then our final.

We're down to 17 people as we dropped 2 last week when they failed the trauma exam. We now have 6 people that are borderline failure.
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i just passed didactic!!!!!!!!!! now on to clinicals and field :D :D :D :D

I'm just about through the first quarter of my paramedic class. This quarter was mostly cardio, pharm and respiratory. We're taking ACLS provider tomorrow, the quarter's lab practicals are Tuesday, written finals are Wednesday.

So far I have 96 hours field and 48 hours in the ER.

Next quarter the field hours more than double to 240, the ER requirement is the same and we add 48 hours of specialty hospital time (L&D, ICU, and Mental health Unit) as well as at least 3 shifts in the OR for tubes.

I'm gonna be busy after January. Still have a 95% average on quizzes.
Just passed first semester now to number 2 :D so excited we get to learn EKG and cardiology! i cant wait.
I'm leaving tonight to New Hampshire for my national practicals...If I pass them I will be a NREMT-P then direct reciprocity to RI....wish me luck my test is on sunday morning....:x so nervous..
Our class did the quarter's final practical testing today. 2 students have been dropped from the program due to failure on the skill stations. We're now down to 22.

Written finals at 0800 tomorrow morning.
Have my semester final for 1st semester this coming Tuesday at 0800, then were off til after the first of the year..

ACLS was last week, we did primarily Pathophysiology, Cardiology, Airway/Respiratory, and Pharmacology this semester.

A&P was a requirement coming in..

Next semester I think its mostly Trauma, Peds, and more Pharm..

108 Field hours for this 1st semester, gotta do a bunch of shifts in the ER next semester, and a bunch of field time as well..

gl all on your finals
i am now a NREMT-Paramedic..cheea chea
ACLS was last week, we did primarily Pathophysiology, Cardiology, Airway/Respiratory, and Pharmacology this semester.

A&P was a requirement coming in..

Next semester I think its mostly Trauma, Peds, and more Pharm..

Same thing for us. The remaining 22 in my class all passed the quarter final. We're back to it on 01/04/10.
Class today... Pharmacology exam, then a practice final. Real final is in 2 weeks when we get back from break. :unsure:
94% baby!

Lost another 5 people... 3 from this test, 1 from last test and failed to retake, and one from too many absences.
So yea, out of the 23 people that started in my class, only 11 of us remain.

We did a 200 question practice final, and the teacher said people tend to be within 5% of the grade they get on the practice final. I got an 89%, so I'm happy ^_^
So yea, out of the 23 people that started in my class, only 11 of us remain.

We did a 200 question practice final, and the teacher said people tend to be within 5% of the grade they get on the practice final. I got an 89%, so I'm happy ^_^

Nice job. I'd say "good luck" on the real final, but luck has nothing to do with it. :)

New to the forum. I've enjoyed reading all of the posts from the medic students. I start medic school on Jan. 20th and I couldn't be more excited about it. I'll try to post up anything interesting that happens in my program. Until then, thanks for the information that I have already received from this great forum....
im suprised to hear that all of you guys are losing so many people, we lost a lot of people in my emt class, but have yet to lose anyone in my medic class..

They do require a lot coming in including interviews and what not, and spots in the class are in really high demand so I guess that may have something to do w it
94% baby!

Lost another 5 people... 3 from this test, 1 from last test and failed to retake, and one from too many absences.
I keep seeing this over and over again in various threads. Please tell me it doesn't actually mean that people who fail a test are given the option of retaking it.
i think it means that the initial grade sticks, but the student is given the option to retest the material
I keep seeing this over and over again in various threads. Please tell me it doesn't actually mean that people who fail a test are given the option of retaking it.

No, not at all.

You need to get a 78% minimum (80% on final) to pass a test. If you get below that, you have to take a re-take. The original score sticks.

If you fail the re-take, you're dropped from the class, even if it's the first test you've failed.