Bringing in a private EMS agency will only hurt the residents of the county. You get what you pay for when it comes to public safety.
Rural Metro will come in, hire people because they're breathing and have a Paramedic cert.
Not to mention they want to "save" the county taking away the revenue from transporting patients, yet still want the Fire Rescue to do paramedic first response on every 911 call...
So let me get this straight... you're going to
save the county money by making them still go to all the calls as they do now, but not get the revenue from the transport of the patient?
yeah.. cuz THAT makes sense
Now, a couple more things I'd like to point out
The salaries for Martin County are in line with other Fire-Rescue Depts across the state
from the Martin County Human resources website
a FF-EMT's salary range is 43,118 to 73,746
a FF-Medic's salary range is 49,915 to 85,370
This is not an obscene amount, and these amounts are acceptable should Martin County Fire-Rescue want to remain a competitive employer
So, the taxpayers association searched for an acceptable private company outsourcing alternative and found Rural/Metro Corp. ( For more than 50 years, Rural/Metro Corp. has been a leading provider of emergency and nonemergency medical transportation services, fire protection and other safety-related services to municipal, residential, commercial and industrial customers in 400 communities and 22 states. Current Florida customers are Altamonte Springs, Kissimmee, Orange County, Orlando, Osceola County, Sanford, Seminole County, and Sikorsky Aircraft in West Palm Beach.
Rural Metro is a provider at this point in time for ONLY the City of Orlando, which that contract is set to expire and be taken over by AMR. I'm not sure about Sikorsky Aircraft... but where is the author of this article getting his information from?
It must be pointed out that the taxpayers association is not specifically promoting Rural/Metro Corp. or any other private provider, but wants to counter, up front, any arguments and make it clear to our readers that there are reputable, capable and reliable private companies able to provide needed services.
Rural/Metro was provided with the Fire Rescue Department’s operating goals and costs, and requested to provide an operating scenario and quote that would not compromise the level of service Martin County residents expect. Rural/Metro responded with the following: “After careful analysis of the material you provided, we have developed a model which would present significant cost savings to your community. Based upon the financial and operational data made available, we believe Rural/Metro could provide emergency ambulance service and transportation for the residents and visitors of Martin County with no government subsidy and at a conservative cost savings to the county of $3 million annually.
First of all any time you go to a private EMS provider, they will ALWAYS tell you they can realize a cost savings for your government. Thats their business... to undercut the goverment and make money for their investors. Thats like going to a car salesman and asking him if his car will be cheaper than the guy down the street.. he's ALWAYS going to say yes.
What will end up happening is that RMA will come to the commissioners and begin demanding a "subsidy" claiming they are not collecting the revenues they thought they would based on the numbers provided to them by Martin County Fire-Rescue.. so they'll end up with no savings, and a redundancy of services by a private provider, at the cost of the quality of care.
For this to succeed we would need the latitude to operationally deploy our resources to meet an acceptable performance standard. We would suggest a partnership between Martin County and Rural/Metro with Fire Service first response at a paramedic level, and Rural/Metro Paramedics providing a continuum of care and transport to the hospital.”
Read between the lines: We want to do it our way, but we still want you to respond to all the same calls you do now... but we want the money for the transport
Emphasis has been added as we interpret the above to mean that Martin County paramedics would continue first response so there would be no deterioration of current service levels, but the county would still realize a net savings of $3 million annually.
Id be curious to see how they achieved that 3 million a year number..the only cost savings would be on vehicle fuel and maintenance by them not transporting, since they would still be required to respond to all the 911 calls as they do already
This information was presented to county commissioners who, as reported by the News, voted unanimously April 27, to “examine proposals for a public-private partnership for emergency services” that would include other providers along with Rural/Metro.
Your taxpayers association lauds the commission for courageously voting to proceed in this direction and urge county administration and management to move rapidly in pursuing this significant cost-saving opportunity and to expand their investigations to include other county services.
Your taxpayers association also suggests the city of Stuart, the School Board, Martin County’s constitutional offices and other entities seek similar privatization cost savings opportunities, as tax increases are not acceptable while these opportunities have not been seriously evaluated.
Yeah.. thats smart.. farm everything out to private entities... that way the government has very little control over how critical government services are provided.. heck, while we're at it.. lets fire the sheriff's office, and replace it with Wackenhut!