Dr. P, unsure why you are citing info about Mt. Washington, as that is a separate service within Bullitt. As for the county, they have 8 ambulances.
You were the one who said
Being that Bullitt County has MULTIPLE municipalities, all with transport capabilities, and they actually have a few more trucks than what you stated, a
so I'm not sure why you are confused, because it was a direct response to what you said.
As per their EMS Director:
Bullitt County EMS director Chris Hale said they usually operate eight ambulances, but they are down four. "We are down two due to collisions, we are down one due to manufacture and then we're down one to an issue with our stretcher," he said.
There is a difference between UNITS and AMBULANCES. a unit is a staffed vehicle, with all of the equipment needed to respond to a 911 call. These are your front line vehicles that are currently in the 911 system, available to answer calls. EVERY EMS service should have a backup ambulance. That is the physical truck. it's older, smaller, might not have all of the equipment, but when the front line vehicles go out for maintenance, you use a backup/reserve. using your 5 unit rural system, were those 5 staffed ambulances, or 1 staffed units, and 4 spare vehicles?
I've worked for urban, suburban or rural systems; it's rare that we borrow from our neighbors. Liability and public perception aside, outside of a disaster (EMS station burns down, causing two trucks to go up in smoke), it was rare that we were borrowing trucks from our neighbors. I believe NJ OEMS had a rule that said every paid EMS system needed to have 1 reserve ambulance for every 2 front line ambulance; it might be 4:1, I don't remember.
It's the responsible for each EMS agency to have the proper reserves for when ambulances go down for routine maintenance, gets involved in a crash, or whatever. it's no difference that having spare cardiac monitors.