Looking for work in Seattle

man you are just a couple months late! AMR, Rural/Metro and Falck were all hiring like crazy a couple months ago. AMR was even giving $1500 bonuses for ppl with their state cert. Check Olympic Ambulance in Lacey, they are actively looking for people, even on craigslist. That's about an hour south of Seattle.
Ack, I always hate hearing that... it's like heading out for a surf and all the guys on the beach say "Aw man, you shoulda been here yesterday."

Saw that Olympic ad on craigslist. Applied yesterday =) I don't mind the driving. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks for that! I just applied. Interesting process... just straight online application. No resume, no cert uploads etc. Absolutely no way to make yourself stand out. It even asks you not to contact them. Oh well, hopefully they like my name? lol
Ack, I always hate hearing that... it's like heading out for a surf and all the guys on the beach say "Aw man, you shoulda been here yesterday."

Saw that Olympic ad on craigslist. Applied yesterday =) I don't mind the driving. Thanks for the tip.

haha totally. there's also good surf out here like Westport, La push, Port Angeles, etc. :P

there's also olympic ambulance in bremerton and way up in sequiem... if you want to relocate..
Anyone here have connections at Tri Med? I'm a super hard worker and am happy to pass over some Seahawks tickets or something...

I will find an EMS job!
Used to work there. And most of the people I really know don't work there anymore. Im not sure how well it would go over, but you could call and ask if you can also apply to a cabulance position. Then move over. Heck they pay the cab guys better anyways. And they usually make people waiting for their state certs to work a cab. Thats the best advice I got besides waiting for them to call you. And trust me. They go through employees so they are usually always hiring. usually the longest between classes is a month.
Woke up and spoke with both Tri Med and Falck today. Unfortunately, neither has a position available. They are happy to phone me, of course, when hiring begins again - but it will be some time. AMR has nothing except part time in Moses Lake (which is too far for part time from Seattle). I feel I've tried and exhausted my avenues.

Time is running on and bills are due. Therefore, I've decided to take a non EMS job and volunteer for EMS where I can on weekends. Thanks everyone for your help... just wish Seattle had more EMS jobs blah.
Where are you going to volunteer EMS on weekends in Seattle?
The SMR guys are nice. I am with KCESAR and we play with them every so often. Sadly training usually does not start till the fall. But I am not sure about SMR. You should looking into http://www.amphibiousmedics.com/ and I think there is another event medic position around. And casinos also hire EMT's. But they work as security as well. Just some ideas.
Shane, at Stat Response, may be hiring event EMTs. Drop him a note. http://www.statresponse.net/

Thanks! Done.

On a side note, I can't believe how many applications and resumes I've submitted lately with no responses... and I have a fantastic resume! Usually, I'll do one or two and get an interview. So far the EMS industry is TIGHT in Seattle for any out of towners reading this....
No problem. Not to be a wise ***, but how is your résumé fantastic?

You should be aware of a simple truth...

EMS in Seattle is considered an entry level position, on par with retail or McDonald's counter help. You're a new EMS provider that just passed your National Registry, you have no state card, and no experience. Your résumé, in the EMS realm, is no better than anyone else.

Thanks for the reality check. You're absolutely right. What I actually meant was - it's formatted beautifully lol. Seriously, it looks good aesthetically. I'm kind of proud of it =)

Also as far as having no EMS exp goes I feel like it has some pretty interesting stuff. I've been working in National Parks the last few years, tons of mgmt and training exp, volunteer SAR exp from being a WFR etc.

Went to good schools both for bachelors degree and for WEMT.

But, you're right. No real urban EMS specific stuff.

Now, onto my news:

I got a call from a SUPER nice guy from an ambulance company outside of Seattle. He offered to sponsor me and get me going. Problem is it's in Thurston county which requires a protocol test (that apparently everyone fails?). On top of this, he stated that it would take 10 weeks for me to even receive my WA license. Therefore no matter where I work, Thurston county OR King County, I wouldn't be licensed to work for another 10 weeks??

Is it true that WA takes that long? I got my NREMT mailed to me in three days...
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Washington takes 10 weeks, if you're lucky. My suggestion for the Thurston County protocol test is; get a copy of the protocols… Study them, have a friend quiz you on them, study them again. Then take a couple of days off, have a friend quiz you on them, study them again.

From what I remember, with the BLS protocols, everybody fails them because you have to specifically list all of the details in the protocol. The Thurston County paramedic protocol test was one of the most difficult I ever taken.

But, don't sweat it. Since everybody fails them, you'll get another chance. And, you'll get a look at the test.

Good luck, let us know how it goes
Washington takes 10 weeks, if you're lucky. My suggestion for the Thurston County protocol test is; get a copy of the protocols… Study them, have a friend quiz you on them, study them again. Then take a couple of days off, have a friend quiz you on them, study them again.

From what I remember, with the BLS protocols, everybody fails them because you have to specifically list all of the details in the protocol. The Thurston County paramedic protocol test was one of the most difficult I ever taken.

But, don't sweat it. Since everybody fails them, you'll get another chance. And, you'll get a look at the test.

Good luck, let us know how it goes

Hi, thanks again. I'm not worried about failing it... I'm pretty classroom minded at the moment after flying through the WEMT intensive and taking the NREMT. But, it's the 10 week thing that has me rattled. Why in the world would WA make that happen?

The problem: If I get a company to sponsor me for a WA application, I will still need a job for 10 weeks. Will this ambulance company allow me to work outside their company and still be hired/sponsored by them?

Ugh, why can't WA just accept the NREMT. Why won't WA allow EMTs to work while their state application is being processed? Also, I was informed that WA pays EMT-Bs the lowest in the country... Nine dollars and something an hour.

Here ya go folks. The real nitty gritty of reciprocity in WA state. Blah.
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Psyched! Interview at Tri Med tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have a dispatcher or Cabulance position available while I wait 10 weeks (again, Blah) for the WA license :P
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