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Is it common to have a different preceptor consistently?

I trained in the EMS system about 70 miles west of where I currently work FT. We had 1 preceptor, and with rare exception, 2, for our entire duration of field time. Some students needed 2 due to work schedules. I started with 1, but he was the most senior paramedic at his service, and took a month long vacation out of the country, past halfway of my program, so I got a different preceptor to finish with.

The system where I work lets the paramedic students ride with any preceptor that has been approved by 1) the college 2) the system 3) the service. You could easily have 20+ preceptors during your time, and some of the students do.

I prefer the limited number approach. I think it's good to have 1 person tracking your progress. I'm a preceptor in both systems, and the one where I trained really requires preceptor buy in. They even pay you by giving you free credit hours at their college.
No one likes a grammar nazi.

He's not being a Nazi, as he's not commiting crimes against humanity. What he's doing is pointing out the irony of commenting on incompetence and professionalism while making grammar errors that are very easily fixable.

Sorry. You're, Better? I can go find multiple posts from me about how English was never my strong subject in school if you'd like.

Get off your high horse, please. Cool, thanks.

I feel the need to comment.

Rob (I'm assuming that's your name), you were talking about professionalism and competence in your post, and then went on to slaughter the grammar. I don't often rip on people, but I'd like to sometimes. You may have problems with spelling and grammar; I get that and am not attacking you for it. But if you do, then you need to utilize tools that help you use them correctly, like spell check. As for grammar, mixing up things like your and you're; there, their and they're drives me nuts, I think because most of the time, people are simply being lazy. (I'm not saying you are.) When I am writing something that is going to be placed for public scrutiny, I proof read it. I've changed several things in this post already. When I'm using words like the ones I just mentioned, I stop and think: is this a contraction, or the possesive?

I'm not trying to give you a hard time. But one of the things JPINFV is often commenting about is how to advance our profession. One of those ways is to make sure we come across as educated and intelligent. (I'm talking perception here, not accusing you of having a lack of those qualities.) Ever do any QA, and have to read some of these PCRs? That's enough to make me crazy, and to make some of my English teachers rip what's left of their hair out. It frustrates me to no end when medical providers can't spell common words that we work with daily, and won't use spell check.

I enjoy reading your posts; you seem intelligent and humble, and willing to learn. I just think that when people put themselves out there in posts, and make repetetive errors, they open themselves up for scrutiny. So please, I'm not trying to slam you, but to point out why he said what he did, and why I mostly agree with him.
What he's doing is pointing out the irony of commenting on incompetence and professionalism while making grammar errors that are very easily fixable.

What I'm doing is pointing out the irony of commenting on grammar errors that are very easily fixable while making grammar errors that are very easily fixable.

I just think that when people put themselves out there in posts, and make repetetive errors, they open themselves up for scrutiny.

People misspell words and use poor grammar sometimes. NVRob is obviously a smart guy, just like yourself. What's the point of making such a big deal about a minor spelling error on an internet forum? It just makes you look like a douche.

Now I look like a douche.

He's not being a Nazi, as he's not commiting crimes against humanity.

As a Jew of German extraction, I'd like to point out that- contrary to popular internet belief- one does not have to be a Nazi to perpetrate crimes against humanity nor does doing so make one a Nazi.

By the way, as someone with a moderately decent command of the English language, I happen to consider poor grammar, an inability to spell and the associated acceptances thereof as crimes against humanity. They are signs (and in some ways, methods) by which our society is becoming increasingly moronic.
Right. I try to make a polite post; you resort to name calling. Classy.

A few spelling errors aren't my main problem. People constantly mixing up (and not taking the time to make sure they are right) there, their and they're, or your and you're, or to, too and two are what makes me grind me teeth. Again, they make people seem uneducated, and if you read my whole post, I don't think he is uneducated at all. Quite the opposite. But I'm a douche.

As a Jew of German extraction, I'd like to point out that- contrary to popular internet belief- one does not have to be a Nazi to perpetrate crimes against humanity nor does doing so make one a Nazi.

I just don't like the way the term is used. Someone corrects someone else's grammar, and they get called a Nazi. It may be accepted, but I don't have to like it.

By the way, as someone with a moderately decent command of the English language, I happen to consider poor grammar, an inability to spell and the associated acceptances thereof as crimes against humanity. They are signs (and in some ways, methods) by which our society is becoming increasingly moronic.

I just think that when people put themselves out there in posts, and make repetetive errors, they open themselves up for scrutiny. So please, I'm not trying to slam you, but to point out why he said what he did, and why I mostly agree with him.

REPETITIVE...just thought I'd jump on the bandwagon :rofl:
Since we're back on the Grammar Fascist (GF bit, I generally only play GF when a post is completely unintelligent/unreadable (most often due to either people not understanding the enter key, space key, or caps lock), when someone else plays GF, or if someone else starts preaching about professionalism/competence in the manner that was being discussed in this thread.
Thread closed since Godwin's Law has been invoked.
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