Littman is offering a free Electronic Stethoscope for 14 days

I'm about 1/2 way through my eval right now. I do like the 3100 and I probably will buy one. My one minor negative comment is that ergonomically I find it harder to take a fast BP. I accidentally change the volume or turn it off. I'm sure after some time I would end up changing my grip.

I talked with a tech and he confirmed the issues with the apple bluetooth stack but said that there will be an Android app for the 3200.
I'm about 1/2 way through my eval right now. I do like the 3100 and I probably will buy one. My one minor negative comment is that ergonomically I find it harder to take a fast BP. I accidentally change the volume or turn it off. I'm sure after some time I would end up changing my grip.

I talked with a tech and he confirmed the issues with the apple bluetooth stack but said that there will be an Android app for the 3200.

I will release my steth app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch on cydia when I complete it. Just send me a PM with your contact info (email, facebook, etc) so I can contact you when it is complete. You can just install the ipa over installous.
Can we get some comprehensive review threads? I'd love to see how it performs in the field.
Can we get some comprehensive review threads? I'd love to see how it performs in the field.

What do you want to know MMiz? I got mine and actually went ahead and ordered one after the first day. I packaged the eval steth to go back as the one I ordered came in. I am so impresssed with it.
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I made a comment above about it not feeling very ergonomic when I'm taking a BP. It's like it wants to slip and tilt and squirt out from my fingers. Maybe the surface is too polished.

Of course I can hear just great and that is what it's all about. Does anyone else think the BP sounds (yes, yes, Kortokoff sounds) seem to have a slightly artificial quality? they seem to pop a bit more. I wonder, if my "hearing" is now 24X better, would I hear K1 sooner and K5 later? Would that mean an incorrectly high S and low D? Or maybe the difference would be too minor?
I made a comment above about it not feeling very ergonomic when I'm taking a BP. It's like it wants to slip and tilt and squirt out from my fingers. Maybe the surface is too polished.

Of course I can hear just great and that is what it's all about. Does anyone else think the BP sounds (yes, yes, Kortokoff sounds) seem to have a slightly artificial quality? they seem to pop a bit more. I wonder, if my "hearing" is now 24X better, would I hear K1 sooner and K5 later? Would that mean an incorrectly high S and low D? Or maybe the difference would be too minor?

I always held my steth (even my master classic 2) at the sides of the little knotch, with my ring finger on one side and middle on the other. Try holding yours like this while pressing down, see if this helps your fingers from slipping. I haven't had any issue when taking a blood pressure with hearing the kortokoff sounds too early or late.. Im not sure if it is where I have just done it for so long that my ears know when I hear them.

That is a good question though. Anyone else having issues holding the steth or taking BPs?

My advice to you would be to try taking 4 pressures on a friend.. Take 2 of them using a regular analog stethoscope, then wait about 5 minutes and take 2 with the digital stethoscope.. Compare the analogs against the digitals at face value then average the 2 values (1 average for analog, 1 for digital) then ask, "Is the difference clinically remarkable"?
I will let you know on the 21st because that is when I work again. So far I am trying to get used to it. Not really sure what to say about it...I like how you can really hear things, but you can also hear the tube moving around or anything and yeah...but I haven't read the book yet either
Just put in for a 3200 Demo :) This should be fun
I will let you know on the 21st because that is when I work again. So far I am trying to get used to it. Not really sure what to say about it...I like how you can really hear things, but you can also hear the tube moving around or anything and yeah...but I haven't read the book yet either

I noticed in Zargis Cardioscan when you are auscultating a patient's heart that when you move the tube, it outlines that waveform in yellow, which I assume cites it as noise to the program so it doesn't look for murmurs in it.

Whenever I take a BP with this steth, I like to pump the volume to about 75% and change it to the, "Upper Frequency" setting.
Rob, do you know if it has background sound cancelation option or something? Like I said, I should probably read the instructions
Rob, do you know if it has background sound cancelation option or something? Like I said, I should probably read the instructions

It is supposed to do that on its own. Like I said, whenever it does a cardioscan, it highlights noise in yellow and excludes it from analysis. The only setting I can think of is adjusting the button on the left button (The one that looks like a stamp) to set it to "Upper", "Lower", or "Full Frequency". I find that upper works great for taking a BP.

Whenever I am listening to heart tones, I alternate between upper and lower above the mitral and tricuspid valves.
Shpped out today. Tracking says Monday.
although im not as cool as you guys with a 3200.... i did order myself a new ultrascope and its arriving tomorrow :D

it'll be like christmas
although im not as cool as you guys with a 3200.... i did order myself a new ultrascope and its arriving tomorrow :D

it'll be like christmas

Hey, I've used an Ultrascope for 2 years, this 3200 I'm demoing had better be ungodly awesome for me to consider switching from my US :) You'll enjoy it!
What do you want to know MMiz? I got mine and actually went ahead and ordered one after the first day. I packaged the eval steth to go back as the one I ordered came in. I am so impresssed with it.

Rob, can you send me the review that you sent them via PM or email? I have an idea.

I will let you know on the 21st because that is when I work again. So far I am trying to get used to it. Not really sure what to say about it...I like how you can really hear things, but you can also hear the tube moving around or anything and yeah...but I haven't read the book yet either

Hey, I've used an Ultrascope for 2 years, this 3200 I'm demoing had better be ungodly awesome for me to consider switching from my US :) You'll enjoy it!

Did you guys get the stethoscope? What did you think?
I just sent my 3200 back to Littmann... I was very sad to say the least :p I'll be typing up my review when I get off duty tonight. But suffice to say so far that its been the only scope that makes me even consider a little bit of switching from my Ultrascope
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