List of foods NOT to eat in the bus (for partners who don't know)


Forum Deputy Chief
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1. Curry
2. Fish
I love it too...but when you actually eat so much of it that you start to sweat it...even the next day!! LOL
Taco Bell.
You are giving me way to much ammo to use if we ever work together

Oh bro if we work together forget Taco Bell. We're going to Santana's and getting the greasiest food we can find. It'll be epic.
Chili dog. You may think this one will be different. You may have convinced yourself you're better than the others who have tried and failed.

It's not different, and you're not better. This ends only one way, and you're wearing a white shirt.
Fish. Most seafood.

The smell alone makes me gag.

I did this one night. I was on a health kick and steamed some broccoli. Cracked that Tupperware open at post and the smell made my partners lose their minds. It took about a month for them to stop bringing it up.

Never again.
Ice cream cones...tones will drop the moment it starts to melt, and you can't just put it in the cupholder....

And it has to be said:
curtosey of lol :p
Well it's one thing when it's actually a bus lol :P
I have yet to meet someone who has the power to eat taco bell and pass a solid stool.
As the current county public safety taco bell taco eating champion (21 in 90 minutes), I can say with great certainty that I disagree with that. Three days of, errrr, things....