

Forum Ride Along
Hey everyone,

I recently became a EMTB and am having problems lifting. I am out on medical leave until I get clearance to return. I was wondering if anyone has advice and what to do to over come this problem Bariatric stretchers are very heavy and that is not including the patient's body weight as well. Any advice my doctor is telling me I am too old I will be fifty in September and he said look for something else that does not require me to lift? Please any advice gents and ladies???? Thank you all!!!!


Suggestion for barriatric calls:

You: Unit 75.
Dispatch: Go ahead unit 75.
You: Unit 75. We need a lift assist for this call.

Decision tree:
Option 1. Dispatch sends extra units as needed until enough people are on the call to safely lift the patient.
Option 2. Refuse call.
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Forum Captain
Frankly, if the stretcher is a heavy lift for you, you're in for some problems.

There's folks here far more qualified than I am to advise you on specific exercise programs, but maybe you should take your physician's advice under consideration.


Forum Ride Along
Watch all of these in order. Every part of your body that is involved in lifting will be strengthened through the Deadlift. Start very light and build yourself up to heavier weight. You will be surprised at how strong your body will get with just this exercise.

Deadlift Alignment Pt. 1

Deadlift Alignment Pt. 2

Deadlift Anatomy

Deadlift Arm Position

Deadlift Back Angle

Deadlift Cues

Deadlift Setup

Deadlift Starting Angles

Deadlift Starting Position

It's the next best thing to actually having Mark Rippetoe come to your gym and teach you how to Deadlift.


Forum Ride Along
I made up a fancy reply earlier with links to videos and what not but it said I needed moderators approval.

Anyways, the Deadlift will help you a lot in your lifting. Look up Mark Rippetoe and watch all of the videos you can about it. The Deadlift will strengthen all those muscles you use for lifting heavy objects off the ground, whatever it may be.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
I made up a fancy reply earlier with links to videos and what not but it said I needed moderators approval.
That's because of the number of links that were in your post.


Forum Deputy Chief
Does your municipality or company have any procedures for obese patients?

Is there a weight limit they use before calling for lift assist? Was there a weight or lift test when you were hired? Dont bariactric trucks usually have ramps and a winch?

Like has been stated if there is any doubt wait for help.


Still crazy but elsewhere
Take your MD's advice.

If you don't and you get hurt, they could conceivably deny you work comp or insurance money. Your medical record is subject to court order to produce or a subpoena for workman's comp determination; in fact, you probably signed a waiver when you were hired. Besides, who wants to be crippled in chronic pain?
Talk honestly to your boss about this. Perhaps they can find a way to accomodate you, maybe even consider a dispatch position (although day after day in a swivel chair can't be very good either).
Very good luck.;)


Hey everyone,

I recently became a EMTB and am having problems lifting. I am out on medical leave until I get clearance to return. I was wondering if anyone has advice and what to do to over come this problem Bariatric stretchers are very heavy and that is not including the patient's body weight as well. Any advice my doctor is telling me I am too old I will be fifty in September and he said look for something else that does not require me to lift? Please any advice gents and ladies???? Thank you all!!!!

Noone in their right mind would ever contradict online a Medical Doctor's professional opinion that he/she has voiced in person to you. Especially the very one who has seen you, is treating you, and is going to be the one who clears you to return to work.

That being said, you might want to ask your physician about physcal therapy/rehab. Most work related back injuries occur because those people have been lifting wrong. Technique is everything. A registered physical therapist can train you on proper lifting techniques and work to rehabilitate you/heal you showing you/giving you exercises to heal and prevent possible further injury so long as one's lifestyle makes a perminant positive change.

Since your doctor said it, while you are rehabilitating, you can browze through the want ads.


Lady Enjoynz
Do ye need to do manditory lafe lifting and manual handling courses?

Scout, I'm sure we have brought up the Manual Handling Course with our American friends before.
It has become part of the mandatory training process in New Zealand, for Ambulance Officers, the past few years, as I'm sure it is in England,etc,etc.

I really think that it needs to be part of the EMT-B courses, as it's a very important part of being an EMT.... (Your safety first!)

If there were enough EMS Tutors willing to add it to their programs, there would be a lot less back, neck and leg injuries of EMS staff.
If it comes down too cost..they need to add it to the course...the benefits far out way the costs, in the long run.
But I guess it's up to the EMS Powers To Be, to make it happen!!!

Cheers Enjoynz


Forum Ride Along
Not to fly in the face of your doctor's advice, but physical conditioning makes a world of difference. Getting in shape and building strength through exercise makes a world of difference.

You're more than a decade behind me.

Good luck.


Forum Lieutenant
Hey everyone,

I recently became a EMTB and am having problems lifting. I am out on medical leave until I get clearance to return. I was wondering if anyone has advice and what to do to over come this problem Bariatric stretchers are very heavy and that is not including the patient's body weight as well. Any advice my doctor is telling me I am too old I will be fifty in September and he said look for something else that does not require me to lift? Please any advice gents and ladies???? Thank you all!!!!

Lifting: Can you lift the normal stretcher with your partner without a problem? Or is your problem solely with larger patients?
If your problem is lifting even a normal empty stretcher, then you will have problems in EMS. If it is just larger patients, then call for assistance, no patient is worth a permanent back injury.
you may already know this, but I will say it anyway, lift with your legs not your back...keep you back straight when lifting.

Age issue: Tell your Doctor to screw for that "too old" statement. I work with a few guys that in their 60's, a woman in her 50's, and a lot of people in their late 40's...none of them have any issues. and they are not "jacked" either. so the whole age statement is complete bull. But if you need to do some strength training, work on the legs...


Forum Probie
What are your state's requirements for being an EMT? In my state there is a job responsibility of being able to lift 125lbs yourself. When a person takes their state exam they are required to sign a paper that says they read and understand the job description and are capable of performing all duties in the job description.


Forum Crew Member
.....maybe going to the gym and working out those legs?

I dunno, i was having the same problem so my shift supervisor sent me to the gym

worked out xD