I have honestly never read more blatant excuses for not doing one's job. Your partner must also be as bad as you or you would probably not be employed. .
OK, thats professional and intelligent insult my partner also. If you cant have a cilvil conversation with a person that has a differing viewpoint then yours with, you shouldnt be the self proclaimed mayor of EMT city.
I couldn't have said that better myself.
Hopefully your sloppiness is revealed soon enough. Hopefully it is not at the expense of the life of a patient..
You can assure yourself of that.
So tell me since you are being so blatantly honest, do you turn in a blank report form or do you make up numbers? Does your company bill for what you don't do? Falsifiation of records? Fraud?..
If you read the post you would no the answer to that.
Fraud would be an ALS work up for the guy who thought he caught mental retardation, but I bet your a pro at turning all your BLS calls in to ALS complaints to justify the twelve medics you have going to every medical.
You have just belittled the role of EMT-Bs..
I belittle EMTs? What do you call what you do?
I hope the new EMTs are reading this and realize that if they get a partner like you, they need to immediately request a new one. They do not need to learn anything from you because you have little to offer and you have demonstrated that not only on this thread but on countless others. You are probably the best example of some of the worst examples of people working in EMS who has no interest in patient care and does not even understand a rather simple job description that the EMT-B has. Taking responsibility and doing what is required of you seems to mean little to you..
Your breaking my heart. I have plenty of interest in patient care, when a patient requires it.
I hope this thread will come to an end because all we are doing is feeding this so called EMT-B and like in many other threads he just wants to argue that patients are BS and waste his time. That also sets you apart from taxi drivers because they do not believe their passengers are a waste of time. .
So now your an expert on taxi drivers also?
New EMT-Bs: Please understand that not all EMT-Bs out there will be like CAO but if you come across one that blatantly doesn't care or doesn't do his/her job, take notes and get another partner. The notes will be for when he tries to pin all the blame on you later for what he didn't do.
You my friend remind me of someone who would leave their partner holding the bag, to protect his coveted position. The difference bwetween me and you is I work in EMS I am not defined by it. I am not perfect far from it. Ask my wife

Twelve years and no problems yet, actually a few awards and accommodations.
You seem to be a expert on me and my actions. I will keep you in mind to pen my biography.

The problem is you haven't met to many people in EMS that don't hang on your every word especially an EMT and that bothers you.
If I need mentoring I get that from the many providers that work in my service. I don't need your approval.
Now back to the discussion, you still havent explained to me why a complete set of vital signs is needed for someone with an ingrown hair.
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