Law Enforcement / Medic

So don't drink the MSP Kool-aid?
I realize this thread is pretty old but I just joined. Any other LEO guys and gals on here? Our department is getting a TACMED program up and running, still in the early development stages.
I realize this thread is pretty old but I just joined. Any other LEO guys and gals on here? Our department is getting a TACMED program up and running, still in the early development stages.
Not leo but my agency has a tacmed team. My advice would be to reach out to agencies who have them and ask for whatever resources you need to set up the program.
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Not leo but my agency has a tacmed team. My advice would be to reach out to agencies who have them and ask for whatever resources you need to set up the program.

That’s the plan. I think having LEO only teams vs teams with civilian EMS personnel on them is starting to become more popular but I still don’t know of many places that are set up like that.
LEO Teams are the correct way to do this. Civilians bring many issues with them. Reach out to NTOA and ask for their TEMS papers and guidance.