The problem (as I am probably the culprit) is opinions are fine, because alike a part of the anatomy, everyone has one. The point though is on forums is to make an intelligent and educated deduction.
Not saying you were, not saying you weren't. I am not going to name names. That being said, I understand your point about deductions. It is something I have to work on. I am still young, so I have plenty of time to learn to back up my arguments.
Asking questions is great, if you have attempted to find it out for yourself, and then to voice an idea or opinion such as posted that you have read, or do I have this correct?
Yes, you are correct. Until I get more experience, I will try to stick to asking questions, not posting opinions (unless it is appropriate).
The problem I have many seen is that many EMT's take a simplistic 150 hour or so course, then afterwards assume they know the whole EMS System and how to correct it. When in truth, they barely have the education/training to just start. It would be similar for a CNA to post on "Just Nurses" forum and inform a DNSc or RN's with a MBA on how nursing should be operated and ran. How serious would you expect them to take the response?
I see your point. However, I don't think that I was trying to "correct the whole EMS system." Maybe I came across this way, but I didn't mean to. If you look on the "paramilitary" thread, you will see what I have written about this.
I by far never discourage participation, rather though ask that it be of pertinent questions or ask if this or that has been done. Chances are over the past 40+ years, it has or will soon be. Just ask a Senior Medic, they will probably know. Forums are to be educational and be able to discuss the profession with sound knowledge, not just ideas or thoughts.
Here is a place where we differ in opinions. Yes, forums are supposed to be educational. But I believe there are also times on forums where ideas and thoughts are acceptable, within reason of course. Brainstorming (if that is what you want to call it) can be very helpful or useful.
The reason the majority of those that do make EMS decision(s) never participate in EMS forums is due to the lack of well sounded suggestions. As well, those that will criticize or make suggestions about the profession sounding like they are an authority, yet has not taken an EMT course, even finished Paramedic school and most lack advanced degrees and decades of experience. Again, those with the power and positions do not usually participate.
I can see why this is a problem. It would probably be helpful if the next wave of "managers" (if that is what you want to call them) had higher education, from what you are saying.
I don't know if the statement about people sounding like an authority was directed towards me, but I just want to say again that I did not want to try to "fix" the system in the subject thread.
For example, the topic on Public Safety. It is a hot issue not because of what has been posted but Federal Funding and benefits. Labeling has dire consequences far much more than a monkey suit someone wears. Reimburse rates, professional curricula, etc. is all based upon the labeling of the profession. Even when given professional citations and links, one still refuses to accept all because "they feel" and not able to recognize the attempts was placed for them to become educated about their profession. Ignorance is not always blessed.
Something a few of us have always promoted..... "think outside the box". That being, that EMS is much more than ambulances, fire trucks, or even medical care. It is an industry, a profession who main focus is to provide emergency medical care. But it is a business; no matter volunteer or paid, this business should be a profession with all the responsibilities associated with it.
Not really much I can think of to say about this. I do, however, see where you are coming from.
As much as you tick me off sometimes, you always have great points. :glare:
Thanks for helping. I will try to be more careful in the future when posting here.