Jump Bags?


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Anyone got a personal jump bag? What equipment do you carry or have at home? And along with that, what level of certification are you?
At home.. bandaids. In my truck... a cell phone.
personal jumpkits?

Anyone have your own home/vehicle kit? Id like to get one set up with the basics. Seeing what others run.
Just a cheap little fa kit for family and personal use.
Search the forum. We have this discussion every few weeks. :)

...and unless you're planning on carrying more than a few bandaids and maybe a pair of gloves, most people here think you're carrying FAR too much.

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Does my IFAK count if I leave my army reserve gear in my truck in between drills? Lol
Buy a big Target FA kit with nice box. Throw out the 2x2 and replace with 4x4. Replace tape with good tape. Throw out all ointments and creams and stuff with outdates. Use space for more cravat bandages, SAM splint, self-adhering elastic bandages (MediRip's my favorite). Add space blanket if needed. Keep a couple small fleece blankets folded in a plastic bag in your vehicle or home near your kit for splints and warming. Ditto duct tape. Paper and pencil to record and pass on. Phone list. Small flashlight with batteries and bulb (suggest krypton bulb not LED for assessment).No airways, etc. beyond First Aid.
I have a kit with basic trauma supplies (gloves, kerlex, 4X4, band aids, tape) as well as a CPR mask, a couple of emergency blankets. I am not big into treating people off duty but my buddies and I do a lot of hiking and fishing in some pretty remote areas so we do have that stuff just in case. My work flashlight/stethoscope/jacket/portable radio usually are in my gear bag which stays in my truck as well. Other than that I am not going to invest a lot of time/money into a kit. Your cell phone is your best friend for dealing with emergencies off duty.
If you are deadset on a jumpsuit type thing, go buy a soft side tackle box and save some dollars.

I've got all my first aid stuff and OTC meds in a cheapy that I got at Wally World, works just fine and is probably better organized. It lives under my bed, not my car.
I too was little Bobby Baddass my first few years in. Now, I keep some gloves in the car, a bottle of tylenol (for me), and a CAT that I had laying around. Cell phone is the most important thing. The only people that should be running calls out of their cars are people who are paid to do so. Safer for you, safer for the patient.

Band-Aids - OK
Full Trauma supplies (2x2, 4x4, trauma pads, c-collar) - Nay
Tape/Trauma shears - I'll allow it, they'll get used more for non-medical issues
Oxygen Supplies - Not unless they're for yourself
Airway Adjuncts - No
Intubation Kit - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I carry a few things with me during hunting season, this is more to the fact that the nearest hospital is 3 hours away. I carry mostly bandaging supplies, 4x4's, sterile water, tape, etc. nothing too crazy.
I wrote a reply but it disappeared into lala land.

I will gladly hand over my card in exchange for one of my loved ones or my friends' lives. I will not stand by idly and watch someone I care about die, especially if there is something I can do.

I carry a very planned, thought out and aggressive ALS trauma kit when I ride. Dirt bikes or sleds we're hours away from help all the time and there's lots of potential. This kit fits in a smallish bag that goes inside my riding backpack. It usually comes camping to. It is reserved for a select group of individuals. I still haven't decided how I feel about posting the contents publicly.

In my truck I have a bag with some gloves in it and my phone. There might be a pocket mask in there too I can't remember. Been meaning to buy a little hard case first aid kit to throw in there but the fact that I don't even know if I'd use it has held me back.

If you really needed it there's usually a stethoscope in the truck too if my work bag is in there.
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An ALS trauma kit? A scalpel and some quikclot.

Basically. Some big angiocaths too. There's airways stuffs in it too. Couldn't figure out a better way to describe it.
I have my own kit at home, I think if I remember everything right its:

4x4s, 5x9s, trauma dressings, kling, trauma stopper, sam splints ,chest seal , other bandaging stuff, saline for irrig, most NPA sizes, all OPA sizes, BVM, D sized oxygen cyl, Laryngoscope, ET tubes, scalpel, Nitro, Epi, NRBs, NCs, Nebulizer with albuterol, and duoneb, king airway, bp cuff, IV supplies, hep locks, a couple liter bags of NS, stethoscope, various instruments, emisis bags, gloves, and a few other things
I have my own kit at home, I think if I remember everything right its:

4x4s, 5x9s, trauma dressings, kling, trauma stopper, sam splints ,chest seal , other bandaging stuff, saline for irrig, most NPA sizes, all OPA sizes, BVM, D sized oxygen cyl, Laryngoscope, ET tubes, scalpel, Nitro, Epi, NRBs, NCs, Nebulizer with albuterol, and duoneb, king airway, bp cuff, IV supplies, hep locks, a couple liter bags of NS, stethoscope, various instruments, emisis bags, gloves, and a few other things

At the BLS level why do you have rx meds and ALS gear?
This is a recipe or disaster.
At the BLS level why do you have rx meds and ALS gear?
This is a recipe or disaster.

Unless you're practicing under your own license (and wouldn't even be my cup of tea then), why have this kind of equipment at any level? Yikes.