SL 0.4mg Nitro given every 10 minutes = 40mcg/min that can't be stopped or taken back
Nitro Drip = 5mcg/min titrated, along with the ability to lower the dose or hit "STOP" if your patient's BP tanks.

For me, it's clear which is safer.

Now for the problem.

SL Nitro - Standing Order
Nitro Drip - "Mother, May I?"

By the time I get done explaining the math and the safety difference, we're pulling in the hospital gate, so what's the use?
Even when I worked 911, we had standing orders for NTG drip for ACS and CHF. Sounds like a discussion with your medical director would be warranted. Just outline the risks and benefits you mentioned and be prepared with historical data to predict use and have good citations to back up your proposed protocol.