Never look at just salaries..huge mistake too many people make.
What is their health plan, how much is it? What are deductibles and copay?
What are their retirement plans?
What are schedules?
Tuition programs?
Ability for advancement/career ladder?
Call volume...burn out potential in 5-7 years?
In house training programs or opportunities to get it outside on their dime?
Are their other programs within the department of patrol, beach patrol, ski patrol, etc.
If injured, are there programs where you could cross into inventory, dispatch, etc?
What is their turnover/attrition rate? Why is it so high or so low? Or is it average?
Cost of living in the you need to live within certain distance of the organization?
Can you sustain or live on what they pay WITHOUT factoring in overtime???
I detest when people mention OT as a good thing and then actually bank on it.